Esplanade Redland Bay erosion management | Redland City Council
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Esplanade Redland Bay erosion management

Investigations are underway along the Esplanade foreshore, between Moores Road and Auster Street, Redland Bay, to assess solutions for addressing erosion, protecting critical infrastructure, and ensuring public safety.

Erosion in this area has been caused by natural processes, including rising sea levels and increasingly extreme weather. This erosion is further worsened by the loss of stabilising vegetation. These factors have impacted the stability of the foreshore and surrounding environment, highlighting the need for careful planning and action.

As a result of recent weather events, erosion has intensified, and safety risks have increased. These investigations are a crucial first step toward ensuring the long-term stability and accessibility of the foreshore for the community.

Council is working with geotechnical and marine experts to develop a solution to address the erosion hazard and risks, stabilise the foreshore, and ensure long-term safety. These experts are conducting detailed assessments to determine the most effective and practical approach for the area. In addition, Council will:

  • Display signage to raise awareness about safety risks, such as embankment instability.
  • Install temporary barriers to restrict vehicular access to unstable areas.
  • Monitor the embankment's condition regularly to identify changes and address risks promptly.
  • Assess vegetation health and stability and undertake tree maintenance to reduce risks to slope stability.

These immediate measures are essential to ensure public safety while we plan long-term solutions.

Local residents will be notified about the implementation of immediate hazard and risk management and mitigation actions. Our goal is to ensure that the solution prioritises public safety, protects infrastructure, and achieves the best possible outcome for the foreshore and surrounding community.

Council will continue to work on a suitable foreshore stabilisation and protection solution for the Moores Road foreshore.

  • Current phase, safety measures, technical assessments, and environmental reporting (ongoing).
  • Community consultation, regular updates and feedback opportunities.
  • Construction commencement, to be confirmed based on final design and assessments.

As part of the Esplanade foreshore project, vehicular barriers and advisory signage will be installed to enhance safety. Some of these may be visible from nearby properties, and we appreciate your understanding as we take these essential steps to protect the area.

For public safety, access to approximately 180 metres of shoreline will be temporarily restricted. We understand this may be inconvenient and are working to minimise disruptions.


Image showing a heavily eroded embankment with exposed tree roots and loose soil. Trees and utility poles are visible at the top of the embankment,

Frequently asked questions 

At this stage, there are no impacts to private properties. Council will continue to assess the situation and take appropriate measures as needed during the project’s design and implementation.

In 2022, the site was identified as experiencing erosion and has been monitored regularly since. After the 2024/25 summer storm season caused further erosion, Council reevaluated the situation and adjusted its priorities to address the growing challenges. By acting now, we aim to implement solutions that protect the area and minimise future impact.

The duration of construction depends on the final design, scope of the works and budgets. More detailed information will be provided as plans progress.

Council is monitoring the road stability as part of this project. While there are no immediate safety concerns, erosion has brought the embankment closer to the road. Stabilisation measures will be part of the final solution to prevent future risks.

At this stage, there have been no reported impacts to private properties. Council will continue to evaluate the situation and address any potential concerns as the project progresses.

At this stage, there are no planned road closures. Temporary fencing and signage will be installed to restrict access to unstable areas, but road access will remain open. Should any closures become necessary during the project, residents will be notified. 

No decisions have been made regarding tree removal at this stage. Council is currently assessing the health and stability of vegetation in the area. Any vegetation management will be guided by environmental reports and technical requirements. Tree removal will only occur as a last resort, after all other options have been thoroughly explored, or if there is an immediate threat to public safety or property. Residents will be notified prior to any action being taken.

Construction timelines have not yet been finalised. Council is still working with experts and gathering information to develop a final design. Once the timeline is confirmed, it will be shared with residents.

Contact information

For more information about this project contact Redland City Council.