Food safety program | Redland City Council
Council service closures for Australia Day public holiday

Customer service centres, Council offices and libraries will be closed for the public holiday on Monday 27 January. Recycling and Waste Centres will be open and bins will be collected as usual.

More information

Food safety program

Information for businesses that require a food safety program accreditation

A food safety program is a document that identifies and controls food safety hazards in the handling of food in a food business. There are a number of food businesses that must have a food safety program accredited by Council such as aged care facilities, childcare centres and caterers.

You are required to have a food safety program if:

  • the food business involves off-site catering
  • the primary activity of the food business is on-site catering
  • the primary activity of the food business is on-site catering at part of the premises where they are catering to 200 or more people on 12 more occasions per year
  • the food business is carried on as part of the operations of a private hospital or serves potentially hazardous food to six or more vulnerable people

For more information on developing a food safety program and a list of approved auditors, you can visit the Food safety programs and auditors page in the Health section of the QLD Government website.

How to apply for a food safety program accreditation

If you are starting a new food business that requires an accredited food safety program, you will need to apply for accreditation at the same time as submitting the Food Business Application. The application form will prompt you to upload a copy of your program with the notice of written advice from an approved auditor. 

If you are operating a licensed food business and are proposing to undertake an activity that requires an accredited food safety program (i.e. catering) you must submit the Food Safety Program Application form online before the new activity commences. You will need to upload a copy of your program when submitting the application form and a notice of written advice from an approved auditor.

For more information on food safety programs and a list of approved auditors, you can visit the QLD Health website here.

Taking over an existing business that requires a food safety program accreditation

You are able to transfer a food safety program when you are taking over an existing food business. The food safety program will need to be updated with the new licence holders' details and uploaded when submitting the Food Business Application. A notice of written advice is not required if there have not been any amendments made to food handling processes in the business and program. 

Amending a food safety program accreditation

If you have an existing accredited food safety program and are planning to make changes to food handling processes in your business, you are required to submit a Food Safety Program Application form online to have the amendment approved.

You will need to upload a copy of your amended program when submitting the application and a notice of written advice from an approved auditor.