Koala Community | Redland City Council

Koala Community

What can I do to help our koalas?

You can play an important part in helping to keep our koalas safe. Our research team are amazing, but they can’t be everywhere. They need your help.

Koala watch

By joining Redlands Coast Koala Watch you can help improve the health and wellbeing of our local koala population. 

After you join, you can report any koala sightings online. We’ll also teach you how to check if the koala is sick or injured and get help if needed. Your data will be used to help our research team improve koala mapping, increase understanding of koala movements and develop conservation projects.

Visit the Redland Coast Koala Watch page to find out more about how the program works or to join today.

Be aware when driving

Speed is one of the biggest killers of koalas and people. Please slow down when driving and be wildlife alert, particularly at dawn and dusk when koalas often travel and can be difficult to see.

Take note of any ‘koala zones’ in your area and slow down if you see the flashing koala road signs – these areas have a high concentration of koala activity.

In the video below Dr Amy Blacker from Griffith University Applied Road Ecology Group shares information about how smart signs are slowing down drivers and helping to protect our wildlife.

Dog in a kennel on a plain blue background.Secure your pets

If you have a dog ensure that it is both trained and secured at night or when you’re not home. Always walk your dog on a lead when not in a designated, enclosed dog off-leash area. Even a friendly or curious dog can accidentally harm a koala.

For more information check out Leave It for dog training tips.

Koala climbing a pool to get over a fence.Add a fence escape

In urban environments koalas move between backyards looking for love and food trees, you can help by creating wildlife friendly fencing. It's can be as simple as adding a post or pole that is at least 10cm thick against the fence so koalas have a safe escape route from any enclosed yard. For more ideas check out this helpful article by Wildlife Watchers - How to make koala friendly fencing.

Koala climbing a rope out of a pool.Install a pool escape

If you don’t have a beach style pool, install a thick rope or poolside escape ramp to help koalas and other wildlife if they take a wrong turn. These measures may also save your pet from drowning. If you don't want to buy one, have a go at making one yourself or try these other ideas

More koala-friendly yard ideas

Koalas often travel through urban backyards, but there are many threats lurking. Here are some more ideas for creating a koala-firendly yard. 

  • Provide stepping stone trees - Retain and plant trees in your yard. Any tree will allow a koala to rest or move safely through your yard. We call these stepping stone trees and they are an important part of koala habitat. Koalas have been spotted locally taking a break in palms, wattles and poincianas.
  • Plant koala food trees - Eucalyptus seeana and robusta can be maintained at a shorter height to suit smaller backyards. Free koala food trees are available for local residents at IndigiScapes Native Community Nursery.
  • Become a partner - If your property is suitable, you can join one of our voluntary Environmental Partnerships programs. Council will provide support and advice in creating a wildlife-friendly yard.


Help koalas by volunteering for the Koala Action Group, a local bushcare group, our wildlife rescue service or one of our other volunteering initiatives

What should I do if I see a sick or injured koala?

A number of koalas are found each year with diseases such as conjunctivitis and cystitis, or injuries from dogs and vehicles. Symptoms of a sick or injured koala include:

  • eyes are inflamed, red, puffy, crusty and/or weeping
  • very dirty or wet bottom
  • signs of injury such as cuts and blood
  • very skinny
  • not using all four limbs when climbing or walking
  • staying low down in the same tree for more than a couple of days
  • sitting at the base of a tree for an extended period (if they look alert and healthy they may just be resting for a few minutes, wait at a distance and see if they move on).

If you see a koala with these symptoms or behaviours, please call the Redlands 24-hour Wildlife Rescue Service immediately on (07) 3833 4031. Do not try and rescue the koala yourself, you may unintentionally stress or injure the koala further.

For more information on the signs of a sick or injured koala download our fact sheet

Learn more

  • Threats facing our koalas – Urban environments hold a number of threats for koalas, but we can all help to reduce them. 
  • Redlands Coast Koala Watch – Join Koala Watch and submit your koala sightings to help our research team monitor our local koalas.
  • Koala Conservation Plan – Koalas are a priority for Council, with conservation plans, projects, awareness campaigns and research partnerships delivering results.
  • Koala Safe Neighbourhoods – A safer place for koalas to thrive. Check out our ambassador koalas and see if you live in or near a Koala Safe Neighbourhood.
  • Koala Conservation on the Redlands Coast – Find out more about how Council is helping koalas with the new Redlands Coast Koala Conservation Plan 2022-2027 and the Koala Conservation Action Plan 2022-202.
  • Koala videos – The Redland City Council Youtube channel is packed full of informative videos about our work with the community and researchers to conserve the koala population on Redlands Coast.