Below is a list of fact sheets about aspects of the Redland City Plan. This information is intended to help you gain an understanding of the Redland City Plan and should be used as a guide only.
The content of these fact sheets does not replace the provisions of the Redland City Plan.
- The strategic framework [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Zone overview [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Centre zones [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Environmental zones overview [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Dual occupancy - landscape works [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Multiple dwelling up to 9 units - landscape works [PDF, 1.0MB]
- QDC - dwelling houses, domestic outbuildings, domestic additions and dual occupancies [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Building over or near infrastructure [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Vegetation clearing [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Transport Noise Corridors [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Do I need an approval for my minor building work [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Environmental significance overlay [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Hazard overlays [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Industrial zones [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Other zones overview [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Overlays overview [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Redland City Plan overview [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Residential zones overview [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Resource overlays [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Uses overview [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Values overlays [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Waterway corridors and wetlands overlay [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Multiple dwelling design guideline [PDF, 1.0MB]
- Southern Moreton Bay Islands (SMBI) [PDF, 1.0MB]