Weinam Creek Priority Development Area Project | Redland City Council
Water outage update- Victoria Point

Victoria Point shopping precinct is being supplied with water from tankers until Council can complete repairs to a broken water main and reconnect mains supply. Works will continue overnight.

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Weinam Creek Priority Development Area Project

Redland City Council has a clear vision for the Weinam Creek PDA (Priority Development Area) precinct that responds to the community's needs. Weinam Creek is set to become an exciting and dynamic destination in its own right – as well as an effective transport hub and gateway to the islands. 

Redland Investment Corporation is working with Council to develop the Weinam Creek PDA master plan, which will be delivered in stages, and will transform the waterfront of Redland Bay, improve the usability of the transport hub, attract visitors, create jobs and drive economic development in the area.

The master plan includes:

  • More open space
  • New pedestrian and cycle ways
  • Rejuvenation of existing parkland
  • More car parks
  • Improved drop off and storage facilities for island residents and visitors
  • A new boat ramp to separate emergency and public access
  • A mix of residential and retail spaces including cafes, restaurants and potential for a medical precinct.

The rejuvenation of Weinam Creek is set to create more than 700 jobs and generate almost $30 million for the local economy, as well as deliver much-needed transport upgrades, community services and local jobs. 

Redland Investment Corporation (RIC) on behalf of Council is delivering this catalyst project that will transform Redland Bay into a vibrant waterfront precinct with restaurants, cafes, a supermarket, more parking, new walkways and more open space.

RIC on behalf of Council negotiated a land swap agreement with the State Government that saw land at the ferry terminal transferred to Council. This will form part of the Weinam Creek PDA upgrade. In exchange, Council land on Meissner Street was transferred to Queensland Health to use as the site for the satellite hospital, to further support our island and southern Redlands Coast community. 

Stage 1 of the project has already delivered more than 500 new parking spaces at Moores Road, new pathways, and a footbridge connecting to the Marina Ferry Terminal.

Project timeline

On 3 May 2013, Council resolved to apply to the Minister for Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) for a Priority Development Area (PDA) declaration for Weinam Creek.

In June 2013, Weinam Creek was declared a PDA, providing an opportunity to reinforce Weinam Creek as a point of community focus and a regional Gateway to Moreton Bay, with opportunities for a transport hub and waterfront commercial and recreational precinct.

On 22 November 2013, Council resolved to endorse for public notification the proposed development scheme for the Weinam Creek PDA. The public notification and submission period for the Weinam Creek PDA Development Scheme was undertaken from 10 January to 24 February 2014.

On 29 May 2014, the Weinam Creek PDA Development Scheme was approved by the State Government. The Council and EDQ also invited proponents to call for expressions of interest for the development of Weinam Creek.

In December 2015, Walker Group Holdings presented three high-level design concepts to Councillors to gain their feedback on options for the ferry terminal and potential new marina. 

On 1 August 2016, Walker Group Holdings submitted its Request for Proposal documents to Council and the State Government for assessment.

On 18 May 2018, Council announced that a decision had been made in conjunction with Walker Group not to proceed with Walker Group's Weinam Creek PDA project proposal.

In June 2018, Council confirmed its commitment to the rejuvenation of the Weinam Creek PDA, announcing plans to develop the site to provide the community infrastructure that the area requires.

In October 2020, Council opened the Moores Road car park delivering 501 additional car spaces to the Weinam Creek PDA precinct.

In January 2021, Council-owned subsidiary Redland Investment Corporation submitted the final draft master plan to Economic Development Queensland for assessment. 

On 5 August 2021, a public notification period for the final draft master plan was announced, concluding on 10 September 2021.

On 5 January 2022, the Master Plan was approved by the Minister for State Development.

On 7 January 2022, a negotiated land swap between Council and the State Government was settled. It resulted in land at the ferry terminal being transferred to Council to now form part of the Weinam Creek upgrade; and land on Meissner Street being transferred to Queensland Health to be the site for a satellite hospital.

In December 2021, Council committed to deliver valuable infrastructure within the Weinam Creek PDA. With an estimated investment of $27M, the infrastructure improvements include the Hamilton Street extension, Banana Street civil works and upgrades, a new loop road to decrease traffic congestion, foreshore enhancements, linear park connections and a new recreational boat ramp.

On 5 January 2022, the Master Plan, including the construction of a new recreational boat ramp was approved by the Minister for State Development.

On 7 January 2022, a negotiated land swap between Council and the State Government was partly settled. It resulted in land at the ferry terminal being transferred to Council to now form part of the Weinam Creek upgrade. Land on Meissner Street was transferred to Queensland Health as the site for a new satellite hospital and crown land at the ferry terminal has been freehold to allow the development of the multi-storey car park and retail precinct. The land swap agreement included a negotiated infrastructure agreement with the State Government which outlines when community infrastructure must be completed.

From January 2023, construction of the new Hamilton Street extension commenced. This stage is the first step towards providing vital road infrastructure improvements to the area. Once finalized this stage will transform the northern end of Banana Street into a cul-de-sac and extend Hamilton Street through to the Marina ferry terminal, generating a new loop road for better public access to the terminal, exiting past the Queensland Government’s health facility.

On 9 August 2023, Redland Investment Corporation (RIC), on behalf of Council, announced that expressions of interest (EOI) were open for a joint development partner to deliver the multi-storey car park and retail precinct of the Weinam Creek Priority Development Area. The EOI campaign closed on 21 September 2023. Following a review the EOI proposals, a report was presented to Council for the selection of a development partner. Council will announce the preferred development partner in early 2024

On 10 December 2023, following an extensive freeholding process including Native Title and Cultural Heritage procedures, the crown land at the ferry terminal was transferred to freehold. This site will be the location of the new multi-storey car park and retail precinct for the Weinam Creek PDA redevelopment project.  

On 15 December 2023, EDQ approved the operational works for a new temporary car park on Banana Street to support Southern Moreton Bay Island commuter parking after the new recreational boat ramp opens.

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