Older trees, also known as veteran trees and stags, form an important part in the Redlands Coast environment and wildlife conservation.
These veteran trees are important because the abundance and size of the hollows are an invaluable breeding habitat for many species of wildlife. This includes birds, reptiles, mammals and amphibians that will generally return each breeding season to use the same hollow.
Often aged over 50 years old, these trees also provide wildlife with safety from potential predators.
Even dead trees without hollows are important for providing a transitional perch and source of food for bird species.
Submit veteran tree records
The Veteran and Significant Trees of the Redlands survey project is a Citizen Science project in partnership with the Redland City Council, Veteran Tree Group Australia and the Atlas of Living Australia. The project aims to identify and map veteran and significant trees in the Redlands Coast mainland and islands. This data will assist in providing options for land and vegetation management, protection and conservation, and community education.
Veteran trees may be trees that have reached a great age compared with others of the same species. Veteran trees are important as they often develop sturdy hollows that provide breeding habitat for a wide range of native species, including possums, koalas, reptiles, amphibians, and birds.
For further information and to submit a record, see the Redland City Council's veteran and significant tree project page on Atlas of Living Australia.