Masked Lapwing (Plover) | Masked Lapwing | Redland City Council
Water outage update- Victoria Point

Mains water supply has been returned to all customers following the repair of a broken water main. Traffic management will remain in place while site remediation works are completed.

Masked Lapwing (Plover)

Plover, Masked Lapwing, vanellus miles
Also known as: Plover
The masked lapwing (Vanellus miles) is a protected species under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and their conservation listing in Queensland is “Least Concern”.
The masked lapwing’s name comes from their yellow facial wattles, or flaps of skin, which give them the appearance of wearing a mask. To continue this “Phantom of the Opera” effect, they also employ Broadway-worthy acting skills to protect their young during breeding season.
If a potential predator approaches their simple nest or their chick, the masked lapwing often feigns a broken wing to lure the predator away or pretends to attack by swooping. Although they are protective parents who know how to put on a show, they rarely cause injury to humans. The masked lapwing lives in marshes, mudflats, beaches and grasslands where they feed on insects, larvae and earthworms.