Conditioned Works Assessment | Redland City Council
Water outage update- Victoria Point

Victoria Point shopping precinct is being supplied with water from tankers until Council can complete repairs to a broken water main and reconnect mains supply. Works will continue overnight.

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Conditioned Works Assessment

Conditioned Works Assessment (CWA) relates to operational works that have been conditioned as part of an approved material change of use (MCU) development.

For operational works associated with reconfiguring a lot or development and works identified as operational works in the planning scheme, refer to Do I need Operational Works approval.

Types of conditioned works

Operational works associated with a material change of use that require CWA can include:

  • road and drainage work
  • landscaping
  • stormwater, water and wastewater infrastructure
  • earthworks
  • vegetation clearing.

How to apply

To apply for CWA you need to submit:

The plans you provide as part of your CWA application are used to show technical details relating to the works and specific engineering solutions proposed. Once approved, this technical information is relied upon during the construction of your development. The Queensland Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning has produced the DA forms guide: Relevant plans to assist you when submitting relevant plans with applications.

You can lodge your application:

  • in person at Council's Customer Service Centre, Cnr Bloomfield and Middle Streets, Cleveland
  • by mailing Redland City Council, City Planning and Assessment Group, PO Box 21, Cleveland QLD 4163
  • by emailing

After approval has been given

Once Council approval is given for CWA, site works can commence in accordance with the approval conditions. Specific inspections that may be required can usually be found within the decision notice for the original development approval for the material change of use and/or the CWA approval.

Read more about types of inspections:

For further information or assistance with preparing your CWA application, contact Council's Engineering and Environmental Assessment team on (07) 3829 8999 or email