Online Lodgement System (OLS) | Redland City Council
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Online Lodgement System (OLS)

The Online Lodgement System is currently unavailable.  We thank you for your patience while we work to restore the system. 

Please note: To lodge a Plan of Subdivision application electronically, please visit the Plan of Subdivision webpage.


Council's Online Lodgement System (OLS) is a portal provided by Council to help you lodge your development applications. This service replaced the State Government Smart eDA tool, which ceased operation on 30 June 2017.

About OLS

OLS is Council’s preferred method for lodging development applications and one of the fastest and easiest methods. 

The service is designed to help you make a well made application that includes all information required for Council to undertake an assessment. Additionally, the service accommodates large file attachments, which would otherwise be a limitation when using email.

Council is looking to expand the functionality of OLS in the near future to incorporate additional application types and payment options, making your application process even smoother.

Accepted application types

Currently, you can lodge these application types using the OLS:

  • Reconfiguring a Lot
  • Material change of use
  • Operational works
  • Building works assessable against the planning scheme
  • Exemption certificate requests.

Please ensure you have the correct forms and supporting material ready when submitting your application. You can download State Government forms from their website.

For Plan of Subdivision applications please visit Plan of subdivision webpage.

Using OLS

You can refer to the OLS user guide [PDF, 0.1MB] to assist with providing the required information.

Launch the OLS

The Online Lodgement System is currently unavailable.  We thank you for your patience while we work to restore the system.  

If you require further assistance, please contact us.