Many developments need land use planning or 'development' approval.
The Planning Act 2016 and the Development Assessment Rules (DA Rules) established under the Act provide the framework for assessing development applications.
Our City Planning and Assessment (CPA) group is responsible for this assessment, including administering the City Plan and the Planning Act 2016.
Below you will find links to information on the process for lodging development applications with the Council and how we assess those applications. Contact us if you have any further queries.
Find by topic
Development application process
Steps to the application process, including forms and contact details for further help
A tool to help you access information about development applications and look for information about properties
Property searches
Request copies of historical building and development related documents from council records
Online Lodgement System (OLS)
An online development assessment service to help you prepare, lodge and progress applications
Look for zone and overlay information for the planning scheme, Council infrastructure locations, structures on properties and more
Have your say on proposed development
Lodge a submission or written comment about a development for Council to consider when assessing the application
Infrastructure charges
Infrastructure charges are levied on certain development approvals.
Fire standards and external cladding
Frequently asked questions are intended to give an introduction to this topic.