Cnr. Bloomfield and Middle Streets
Opening hours
Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 4pm
Public holidays: closed
Contact details
Information desk telephone: (07) 3829 8770 or (07) 3829 8576
Redland Libraries email: library@redland.qld.gov.au
Postal address:
PO Box 21
Cleveland QLD 4163
Available at the Cleveland Library
- Free WiFi
- Public computers with internet access and USB ports
- Photocopier/Printer
- Scanning to USB flash drive
- Garden reading/meeting terrace
- Local History collection
- Redland Genealogical Society collection
- Spacious children’s area
- Regular children's and adults' events
- After hours return chute
- 24/7 Library Lockers (located outside the library's front entrance)
- Makerspace
For further information on the above items visit library services.