Support for Small Businesses
We understand the challenges businesses face in the wake of a natural disaster and are here to assist with financial relief, recovery resources and guidance to help rebuild and strengthen our local economy.
Small Business Disaster Hub
TC Alfred recovery support for small businessDisaster grants and loans are now available for recent rainfall and flooding events including Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred that have affected small business, primary producers and not-for-profits. To apply visit the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (DRIDA) website.
If you have lost income as a direct result of Tropical Cyclone Alfred you can apply for Disaster Recovery Allowance through Services Australia
Business Concierge - Department of Customer Services, Open Data and family Business (CDSB) TC Alfred recovery support for small business
Small Business Debt Helpline or call 1800 413 828 – a free service for small businesses in financial difficulty, it provides free, independent and non-judgemental advice.
Register your interest in the Mentoring for Growth Program (M4G), or volunteer to become a business mentor.
Mentoring for Growth program | Business Queensland -
Your feedback is critical to ensure your business and Redlands Coast, receive the support needed. Please complete all surveys that are relevant to your business and your industry.
Current business surveys:
- Disaster Impact Survey – survey from Business Queensland.
- Tropical Cyclone Alfred: Tourism Industry Crisis Impact Survey - survey from Redlands Coast Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) - Brisbane Economic Development Agency (BEDA).
- Queensland DPI Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey - survey from Department of Primary Industries - Queensland Government.
As part of the Redland City Local Recovery Group, a specific Economic Recovery Team (sub-group) has been established to support businesses, post the event.
The Economic Recovery Team will be focused on managing and coordinating recovery as it relates to business, industry and workforce impact.
We acknowledge that there will be support our business community requires now. Requests for immediate support or information should continue to be logged through Council’s Customer Contact Centre (07) 3829 8999.
The team will be delivering a short to medium-term action plan, and longer-term recovery strategy to support all impacted sectors, including our valuable visitor economy.
The Economic Recovery Team is a collaborative response. Coordinated by Redland City Council, membership includes local chambers of commerce, state and federal agencies and industry contacts.
If you are a local business with an idea to support Redlands Coast Economic Recovery, please contact the team.
A Minister declaration is in place for Tropical Cyclone Alfred - notified as an event for affected Local Government Areas under section 275E of the Planning Act 2016 (the Planning Act) - 5 March 2025 until 19 March 2025 (inclusive).
In essence, this legislative change allows a business to change their ‘normal’ operations to factor in disaster response and provides an opportunity to support temporary solutions for residents and businesses displaced or affected from the flooding, or temporary operations to support clean-up activities.
For more information about applicable events, and the specific notice for Tropical Cyclone Alfred refer here.
Trading hours during applicable events | Business Queensland
Refer to Fair Work Ombudsman to understand workplace rights and responsibilities.
Learn about:
- Stand-downs because of natural disasters
- Leave entitlements
- Accessing flexible working arrangements
- Other services and useful contacts.
For details, visit Cyclone impacting parts of Australia - Fair Work Ombudsman
Food Waste
Commercial businesses are responsible for the disposal of their own waste.
If your business is damaged during a disaster and the building was built prior to 1990 it may contain asbestos. During clean up, it’s important to take precautions to protect yourself and dispose of any asbestos or Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) appropriately. For more information on managing asbestos during clean up, please visit Asbestos during and after a disaster | Queensland Health.
Nominated Council waste centres will accept waste that may contain asbestos. Asbestos waste must be double wrapped in plastic, securely taped and labelled. If removing more than 10m2 of asbestos, you will need to engage a licensed contractor. Visit asbestos management for more information.
Food safety
If your food business has lost power, been damaged or flooded from Tropical Cyclone Alfred, the following advice is provided to assist you in the cleanup and recovery phase of this recent disaster event.
It’s safest to throw out food that may be contaminated. This includes:
- Any food (including canned, packaged and bottled food) that has been in contact with contaminated water, including floodwater, has an unusual colour, odour or texture.
- Refrigerated food that has been left unrefrigerated or above 5°C for more than four hours.
- Frozen food after 24 hours, or if frozen food has partially thawed, it cannot be re-frozen and will need to be disposed of.
Where your food business has been impacted by flood waters:
- Remove any standing water, mud or debris from the kitchen.
- All equipment, utensils and surfaces will need to be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised.
- Remove any damaged items from the kitchen that cannot be effectively cleaned. This may include single-use items, equipment and furnishings.
Council Environmental Health Officers play a critical role in disaster management. You may have an officer visit your food business in the coming weeks. This is not intended to be a regulatory compliance inspection but to provide important food safety and public health advice in the cleanup of your food business prior to reopening.
For any questions on food safety please contact Council’s Environmental Health Team on (07) 3829 8999.
GIVIT is managing donations of money, goods and time for cyclone recovery, with the aim to best ensure donations are spent locally.
Local businesses can also be involved in supporting our community recover. Register your interest to donate as a business or individual.
Business Support Contacts
Economic Development team
Tourism and Events team
Local Business Chambers
Suzie Tafolo
President - Redlands Coast Chamber
Colin Battersby
President - Straddie Chamber of Commerce
Dan Golin
President SMBI Chamber of Commerce
Quick links
- Business Queensland
- Fair Work Ombudsman
- Redland City Council
- Redland City Council Facebook
- Redlands Coast Today - The latest news from Redland City Council
- Subscribe to Business on Redlands Coast e-news
- Subscribe to Redlands Coast Tourism and Events Industry e-news
- Redlands Coast Disaster Dashboard
- Queensland Small Business disaster hub