The Quandamooka People have been Traditional Owners of much of the area we now call Redlands Coast for more than 21,000 years.
See links below for information on native title, and the history and heritage of Quandamooka Country, as well as useful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community contacts.
Find by topic
About Quandamooka Country
About the Traditional Owners of much of the Redlands Coast area - the Quandamooka People
Working together for Quandamooka Country
Council's partnerships with Traditional Owners to promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in our community
Native Title on Redlands Coast
About the Quandamooka People's native title consent determinations
Calendar of significant events
Apology Day, Close the Gap, Sorry Day, Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week and more
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Redlands
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage on Redlands Coast, including artefacts, middens, fish traps, sacred places and more
Protocols and customs
Protocols and customs, including Welcome to Country, Acknowledgment of Country, Sorry Business and Confirmation of Aboriginality
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community services
Groups or registered bodies providing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community services on Redlands Coast