Parking in Cleveland | Redland City Council
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Parking in Cleveland

Parking in Cleveland

Below is a guide on where you can park in Cleveland and for how long:



Private off-street parking

Did you know about 70 per cent of parking spaces in Cleveland are privately owned and managed? These spaces are available for businesses, their customers and staff. Most spaces are at the rear of the premises.

If you have an appointment with a Cleveland business, why not ask if they have off-street parking available for visitors?



All-day parking and 12-hour parking

If you work locally and don't have off-street parking, try finding parking a couple of blocks from the centre of Cleveland on Russell, Queen, Homer or Wynyard Streets.

There are generally spaces available in these locations, and by parking there you are freeing up spaces for customers and visitors for local businesses.  

By parking a couple of blocks away, you'll only have a short five-minute walk to Cleveland's centre which could increase your daily step count.

A map showing long-duration parking [PDF, 74KB] for 12 hours or more shows where suitable parking for Cleveland workers can be found.


Working remotely

If you have a job that allows you to work remotely, consider asking your employer whether you can work from home one day or more a week.


Tips for parking in Cleveland

  • Ensure that you angle park rear to the kerb (as rear parking slows down traffic in busy centres and is safer for pedestrians).
  • Check the signs advising how long you can park.
  • Don't park in loading zones, no stopping zones, motorcycle, pram and disabled spaces.
  • A single, solid, yellow line means 'NO STOPPING'.
  • Outside the Cleveland Central Business District (CBD), parking time is parking time is unlimited unless a sign indicates otherwise.


Alternatives to driving into the Cleveland centre

Many parts of the city are linked by frequent, convenient public transport access to Cleveland, including:

  • trains every 15 minutes at peak times on the Cleveland line
  • bus services every 20 minutes at peak times, with direct routes linking key Redlands' centres, e.g., the 250 takes:
    • 20 minutes from Capalaba to Cleveland
    • 16 minutes from Victoria Point to Cleveland

You could also consider walking or riding to the bus stop or train station. Did you know you're now allowed to take your bike or e-scooter on the train at peak hour?

If you live nearby, you could also consider walking, riding a bike or an e-scooter into the centre. There are bike and scooter racks available around Cleveland.

For more information:


Council car parks

Redland City Council has a fleet of vehicles that park at the rear of the library building.

These car parks are marked with yellow paint, have 'Council Vehicle Only' signage and are marked on the map with the symbol P.


Parking fines

If you receive a parking fine, you have several options. Find out what to do if you get a parking fine.


More information

Changes to parking in Cleveland

Cleveland CBD Parking Study