Traffic management and road permits | Redland City Council
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Traffic management and road permits

Traffic management 

Road permits

Permits are needed for traffic management if you are:

  • altering traffic conditions on a road
  • temporarily closing car parks
  • temporary closure of footpath
  • conducting an event that impacts Council's roads directly including cycle events in live traffic or temporarily closing a road 
  • undertaking a Controlled Burn where smoke drift may impact on roads
  • undertaking a development which includes works on a Council controlled road or road reserve.

These permits require a traffic management plan and/or a Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS), which must be prepared by an accredited traffic control provider in line with the  Department of Transport and Main Roads Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 (TORUM)  and the Department of Transport and Main Roads Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and include:

  • Traffic guidance schemes of the sites showing appropriate signage, barricading and traffic control to be installed.
  • Description of the proposed works and lane/road closures.
  • Identification and assessment of traffic impacts of proposed works/event
  • Proposed timeline for these works.
  • Assessment of public transport services affected.
  • Details of provisions made for emergency vehicles, heavy vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Proposed public notification process, if required.

If the roads and/or road reserves are being impacted on a state controlled road you will need a Department of Transport and Main Roads permit as well as a Council permit.

There are two types of permits available from Council:

1. Road opening permit

A road opening permit is required for construction works associated with a development (OPW application) that are undertaken in a Council road reserve. These can include:

  • Road widening
  • Installation of utility services eg, sewer , water, stormwater, electricity
  • Footpath construction/works
  • Development driveway installation

Please ensure your road opening permit application [PDF, 2.1MB], with fees, bonds, insurances and traffic management plan is submitted at least five days prior to requesting a prestart meeting.

If you are unsure whether you need a road opening permit contact Council's City Planning & Assessment group on (07) 3829 8999.

2. Traffic control permit 

A traffic control permit is required for maintenance that is undertaken within the road reserve or for events that will significantly impact Council's roads or road reserve. These can include:

  • Infrastructure maintenance - Telstra / Energex / NBN / QRail
  • Road repairs
  • Street tree trimming
  • Events at Cleveland Showgrounds requiring speed reductions in adjacent streets
  • Triathlons
  • Controlled Burns

Traffic Control Permit applications can take a minimum of 10 business days to process – please allow for public holidays and Council Christmas and New Year closure period.

Before completing our Traffic Control Permit Application  please ensure you have ready to upload a copy of your:

  • Traffic control plan/schemes,
  • Public liability insurance
  • Workers compensation insurance.

The traffic control indemnity form has now been integrated into the new online process.

Refer to the Council Register of Fees and Charges [1.1 MB] for the Traffic Control Permit  application fee - an invoice will be issued for upon processing of your application.  

If you are unsure whether you need a traffic control permit, contact Council's City Operations Group on (07) 3829 8999.

Related road permit forms and guides


Hooning and speeding

Hooning is a common word used for any anti-social behaviour in a motor vehicle (car, van or motor bike) a is dangerous activity that impacts the community, pedestrians and other road users.

Speeding is defined as driving over the posted speed limit or at a speed that is inappropriate for the driving conditions (e.g. rain, fog, traffic volume, traffic flow).  Speeding is not safe in any circumstance and is one of the major causes of fatalities on Queensland roads.

Speed limits are set and enforced to reduce crashes and save lives. Fines and demerit points apply when a person is caught driving a vehicle above the posted speed limit.

The speed limit in built-up areas in Queensland is 50km/h unless otherwise indicated by signs.

To report this dangerous behaviour, you should contact your local police station, Policelink on 131 444, QPS Hoon hotline (134 666) or via the Queensland Police online form which can be found at this link Reporting a Traffic Incident

By providing as much information about the incident at the time of reporting it, Police are better able to use their resources more effectively this dangerous behaviour.

To assist authorities to address the issue you should provide the following details when reporting these incidents:

  • the incident location
  • direction of travel and address
  • along with the date/time that this occurred
  • any supporting evidence such as video or photos

If there is an immediate threat to your safety you should call 000.

Hooning is a policing matter and best dealt with by the authority of the Qld Police Service. Council has no designated authority to police these issues, or any other moving violation.

What should you report

Under Queensland legislation, hooning includes the following behavours;

  • screeching brakes
  • revving of engines
  • skidding
  • donuts
  • drifting
  • fishtails
  • speeding and street racing
  • driving so as to cause unnecessary noise or smoke

Even at low speeds, hooing behavour may cause a driver to loose control of their vehicle and this behaviour is reportable.

Stop signs

The State Government sets standards for the placement of regulatory, warning and guide signs. These are outlined in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) referred to above.

Under the manual, stop signs are limited to locations where sight distance is severely restricted. 

Installing stop signs at locations where drivers can see for a good distance reduces their credibility at other locations where they are necessary.

Parking and line-marking in residential streets

Council does not prohibit parking or stopping in local residential streets as parking restrictions can result in increased vehicle speeds, inconvenience to residents and displacement of on-street parking.

Parked vehicles can encourage lower speeds, as motorists have less margin for error when driving. They can also reduce the pavement width that pedestrians have to negotiate to cross the road. 

Park on the roadside only if there is a three-metre (3m) space between the car and the line (or between the car and the other side of the road if there is no line). On-street parking is available to the whole community, provided vehicles are parked safely and legally. Three metres of clear roadway must be left beside each parked vehicle to allow large vehicles, such as waste collection vehicles, to access local streets.

Parking both road sides

Dividing lines are generally not marked in local streets, except to guide drivers through hazards like crests and blind corners, as their presence can encourage drivers to believe the street is a higher order street with a higher speed limit.

Drivers who park with wheels on the footpath are parked illegally. Under the Queensland Road Rules, and no signs are required to enforce parking regulations on this matter.

Yellow lines are not used in residential streets as parking across driveways (partially or fully) is already illegal under the Queensland Road Rules, and signage is undesirable, unattractive and largely ineffective without enforcement. If your driveway has insufficient access, you may wish to consider widening your driveway. Further information can be found on the RCC website at this link:  Domestic driveways and crossovers

Parking restrictions affect the availability of on-street parking for other road users and may impact on the amenity of other residents in the street.

Yellow ‘No Stopping’ linemarking and regulatory parking signage also prohibit brief stopping by drivers, including taxi or ride-share drivers, to pick up or set down passengers as permitted under Queensland road rules.

The Queensland Road Rules advise that a vehicle must not stop on a road within 10m from the nearest point of an intersecting road at an intersection without traffic lights.

To report this inappropriate and dangerous behaviour, you should contact your local police station, Policelink on 131 444QPS Hoon hotline (134 666) or via the Queensland Police online form which can be found at this link Reporting a Traffic Incident