Marine permits and licensing | Marine permits and licensing | Redland City Council
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Marine permits and licensing

Commercial users of Council-controlled pontoons, barges, jetties or boat ramps need a passenger ferry or vehicular ferry licence to operate. Commercial vessels include:

  • commercial passenger and vehicular ferry transport services
  • tourism charter boat operators
  • boat hire services
  • special events organisers, such as film production and sporting event companies.

Applicants must be legal entities.

Ferry licence fee

Ferry licence fees help Council cover the cost of managing and maintaining marine infrastructure and the environment around it. They include:

  • a non-refundable application fee
  • a vessel licence fee (based on gross tonnage and activity)
  • a landing facility permit to access pontoons, barges, jetties or boat ramps (paid quarterly).

Licences are issued annually or until a specified date (eg. for special events). Annual licences are valid for the financial year from 1 July to 30 June.

You can apply for a waiver or relaxation of fees by demonstrating hardship or exceptional circumstances. This is subject to approval and applies only to the licence fee. The application fee must still be paid.

Read the Terms and Conditions

Apply for or renew a ferry licence

To apply for or renew a ferry licence, please complete:

  • an online Ferry Licence Application, or
  • for a hard copy of the Ferry Licence Application please contact Council on 3829 8999.

Charter operator licence

To apply for a Charter Operator licence, please complete:

Marine permits

Marine permits issued in Queensland are managed by the State Government.

Commercial and recreational boat users who want to launch their vessels from Cylinder Beach at North Stradbroke Island must hold a boat launching permit. For more information see boat launching permits

Marine licences

For information on recreational marine drivers licences please see information on boating and watercraft licensing (State Government).

For information on commercial marine licences go to Maritime Safety Queensland.