Resources for applicants | Redland City Council
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Resources for applicants

Application process

All applications must be submitted online via SmartyGrants

Visit Council's online grants portal to view all current grants available.

For support in writing grant applications, please refer to our list of Grant Writing Services.

Applications undergo a rigorous assessment process and can take up to three months to process.

Applicants that are successful in obtaining funding will be advised in writing and required to:

  • Enter into a Funding Agreement and agree to its terms and any special conditions within the specified time frame; and
  • Provide an invoice before payment will be processed.

Unsuccessful applications will have the opportunity to seek feedback so improvements can be made prior to the next round.

Grants and sponsorship lifecycle

Grants process

Acknowledging Redland City Council funding

Where projects have a public outcome, all grants and sponsorship recipients must acknowledge Redland City Council funding through promotional material such as posters, websites, publications, programs or banners. 

For successful sponsorship applicants, a schedule of agreed benefits will be outlined in your agreement with Council in accordance with the level of sponsorship approved. Requirements will be outlined as a condition of funding in the Funding Agreement Sponsorship Benefits Table.

For printed or online collateral please use our logo along with the statement: 

Redland City Council is proud to provide funding for [insert project name] as part of the [insert program name] to assist the Redlands Coast community.

Download the Council guide to acknowledging funding.

NOTE* Prior to dissemination – all marketing material using the Redland City Council logo MUST be sent to the Grants team to be approved.

Logo downloads & guidelines

Please use the provided password to in your funding agreement to download the logos and guidelines.

All use of the Council and Redlands Coast logo must be sent to the Grants Coordinator for Council approval before publishing. Requests for approval can be emailed to

Please ensure you read the logo guidelines document for information on how to use the Council and Redlands Coast logo correctly. 


Funding must be used in accordance with the Funding Agreement. Any changes to the grant or sponsorship activities undertaken or the project duration must be approved by Council.

Requests for variations must be submitted via Smarty Grants Portal under My Submissions. Variations must be approved before you undertake any changes and cannot be sought after the Funding Agreement end date

Variation Form should outline the changes you are seeking to the funding agreement, for example: changes to the nature/purpose of the project, the way in which the project is to be carried out and completed, the budget and/or any extension to the funding period.


Grant recipients must acquit funds that have been provided following the project end date and as specified in the funding agreement. This includes providing adequate receipts, invoices showing a $0.00 balance to evidence payment of project expenditure that equals the amount of the grant. Statutory declaration or certification from external auditors in lieu of receipts or invoices will not be accepted.

A brief acquittal report must be submitted online through SmartyGrants detailing performance measures for the project including evidence of completed activities such as photographs or copies of documentation. A site visit can also be arranged with the Community Grants Team. Funds expended that are not in line with the agreed project will be recalled by Council after the initial acquittal is received.

Applicants can access their acquittal forms by logging into their SmartyGrants account at and then clicking the 'My Submissions' link at the top of page.

Email the Grants Team or phone (07) 3829 8999.