Tribute seats, plaques and trees | Redland City Council

Tribute seats, plaques and trees

Council supports the installation of tribute seats and plaques, as well as the planting of tribute trees, in various public open spaces and parks across Redlands Coast. If you would like to honor someone special with a tribute park seat, plaque or tree, please refer to the information below before submitting an application.

On this page:

Tribute park seats

Tribute plaques

Tribute trees

Terms and conditions

 Application process

Upon receipt of a tribute plaque or seat application Council will:

  • Research available locations where a tribute plaque can be installed or seats that can be replaced with a new tribute seat
  • Review and discuss tribute plaque inscription wording and provide a draft/ proof for to you for approval
  • Provide you with confirmation of installation.

For tribute tree applications Council will:

  • Research available locations where a tribute tree can be planted
  • Discuss appropriate tree species for the designated area
  • Provide confirmation of installation.

 Unavailable locations for tribute plaque installations (as at September 2024)


  • Aquatic Paradise Park East and West, Birkdale


  • Capalaba Regional Park, Capalaba


  • Cleveland Point Recreation Reserve, Cleveland
  • Oyster Point, Cleveland
  • Raby Bay Foreshore Park, Cleveland
  • GJ Walter Park, Cleveland
  • Shore Street North Foreshore, Cleveland


  • Raby Esplanade Park, Ormiston


  • Thornlands Community Park, Thornlands


  • Beth Boyd Park, Thorneside

Victoria Point:

  • Les Moore Park, Victoria Point
  • Orana Esplanade Foreshore Park, Victoria Point
  • Orana Esplanade Park, Victoria Point
  • Redlands Aviation Heritage Ramp, Base Street Foreshore, Victoria Point
  • Rosebud Esplanade Park, Victoria Point
  • Salford Waters Park, Victoria Point
  • Victoria Point Recreation Reserve, Victoria Point
  • W. H. Yeo Park, Victoria Point

Wellington Point: 

  • Wellington Point Recreation Reserve, Wellington Point

Island Locations:

  • Coochiemudlo Island – all locations
  • North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah)* 

*Tribute park seats, tribute plaques and tribute trees may NOT be installed on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) due to several other projects being processed/undertaken by the traditional owners and infrastructure cannot be guaranteed at this time. Areas of North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) are also protected by Cultural Heritage and Conservation Management Plans including Point Lookout and Cylinder Beach.

Tribute park seats

Your contribution:

  • $3,496.00 (mainland) inc. GST
  • $4,194.50 (islands) inc. GST

Tribute park seats carry an inscribed plaque with your tribute text. In return for your contribution, we provide the following for an initial 10-year term:

  • Park seat
  • Tribute plaque inscription
  • Installation
  • Maintenance
  • Graffiti and damage repairs and replacement.

After this term, you may renew the arrangement with another financial contribution (as required by Council policy at that time). All tribute plaque seat requests are subject to Council terms, conditions and approval. 

Tribute plaques

Your contribution:

  • $280.00 inc. GST

You can apply to have a plaque with your inscription attached to an available existing park seat for a 10-year term. We recommend using park seats less than three years old from the date of installation for tribute plaques. Your choice of park seat is subject to Council approval.

Your contribution covers plaque installation, maintenance, graffiti and damage repairs during the 10-year term.

Plaque size and inscription guidelines

The tribute plaque can be a maximum of 100mm long by 50mm high. Your inscription may contain up to 3 lines of text with 55 characters including spaces overall.

Tribute inscriptions should honour the person recognised. To be approved, the wording should be uplifting and kept in the present tense.

Inscriptions that indicate lifetime may not be used, as Council does not allow memorial or commemorative plaques in its parks or on park furniture. For example, 'Jo Smith – In loving memory, 1950-2016' would not be approved. However, you may instead have, 'Remembering Jo Smith'.

Examples of approved inscriptions

Ron Smith
Sharing your love of the bay
Your family and friends

Brisk walks – thoughtful talks
Rest easy
Peter Smith

For Sophie & Gary
Much love
Your family and friends

Tribute trees

Your contribution:

  • $71.00 inc. GST

Tribute trees are available as an alternative to a tribute park seat or plaque. Inscribed plaques are not available for tribute trees.

Council will work with you to find and agree on a suitable plant species and location for your tribute tree. All tribute tree requests are subject to Council approval. 

Terms and conditions

All tribute seats, plaques and trees are subject to Council approval and the terms and conditions set out in our guidelines.

Contribution amounts apply for the current financial year.

Download the Tribute seat, tribute plaque and tribute tree guidelines [PDF, 0.1MB].

 Submit an application

Complete the Tribute Enquiry Form to submit an application or contact Council .

Apply now