Security cameras | Redland City Council
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Security cameras

Redland City Security Camera Program

Redland City Council recognises the importance of maintaining safe public spaces for people in the community without compromising an individual’s privacy. The Redland City Security Camera Program improves community safety through security camera recording. The cameras operate in public spaces 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Program objectives

The Redland City Security Camera Program benefits the community by:

  • Increasing community safety
  • Encouraging appropriate use of public spaces
  • Increasing pride and ownership of public spaces
  • Detection, reduction and prevention of unlawful and antisocial behaviour
  • Working alongside the Queensland Police Service to effectively identify and prosecute offenders

The Security Camera Program has proven to be a useful tool for improving our ability to respond to crime, antisocial behaviour and community safety. The program may be expanded across new areas of the city in line with Queensland Police crime statistics and Council's ability to sustainably fund installation, operation and maintenance of security camera equipment.


To ensure privacy obligations are met, Redland City Council, cameras have only been installed where public safety and crime are a proven concern for Queensland Police statistics and infrastructure and technology permits.

Council has displayed public disclosure notices at each location where security cameras are placed. For more information, please download the Security Camera Disclosure Notice.

Temporary security cameras

Council's Community Safety Team may deploy temporary security cameras for short-term community safety responses to antisocial behaviour and asset protection offences at open space locations. 

The team works in partnership with Queensland Police Service, District Crime Prevention team to monitor and assess public areas for crime statistics and suitability for temporary security camera use.

Temporary security camera requests will be prioritised within available budget and resources to support protection of Council assets for the community and evidence collection for Queensland Police Service.

Temporary security cameras are not intended to precede planning or funding for permanent security camera systems. They are designed to provide a short-term intervention to transient security and safety issues in our open space areas.

Mobile safety cameras

Council's Local Laws Team may use remote mobile cameras for the purpose of capturing breaches of local laws such as illegal dumping. These cameras are managed directly by Local Laws Team and administered as per need and request directly through local laws.

Enquiring about safety camera footage

The security camera footage captured on our network is stored for 30 days. This footage may be kept for a longer period of time if it is requested or if we are notified that an incident may have been recorded.

In accordance with the Information Privacy Act, we can release security camera footage to the Police. Before this footage is released, a strict process is adhered to in order to make sure privacy is maintained.

For enquiries about incidents recorded on security cameras, please contact Queensland Police Service first. After you contact the Queensland Police Service, call Council on 3829 8999.

Security camera locations

We have installed security cameras in the following locations across Redland City:

  • Capalaba Bus Station and Library Precinct, Capalaba
  • Cleveland Library Square
  • Moores Road Car Park, Redland Bay
  • Weinam Creek Car Park, Redland Bay
  • Wellington Point Reserve, Wellington Point
  • Victoria Point Reserve, Victoria Point
  • Cleveland Point Reserve, Cleveland
  • Russell island Ferry Terminal
  • Karragarra Island Ferry Terminal
  • Macleay Island Ferry Terminal
  • Lamb Island Ferry Terminal

Contact information

Triple zero (000)

If you require immediate assistance, dial triple zero (000) for Police, Fire or Ambulance in an emergency.

When should you call triple zero (000)

  • If a crime is happening now
  • When a life is threatened
  • When the event is time critical, for example a fire or vehicle accident

What happens when you call triple zero (000)

  • When you dial 000, your call is connected to the Telstra Emergency Call Service centre
  • Telstra operators will ask which service you require – Police, Fire or Ambulance
  • You respond by advising the operator which of those services you require assistance for
  • Your call will then be rapidly connected to the Emergency Service requested
  • If you don't respond because you are unable to talk, your call will be forwarded to an automated system, where you will be asked to push ‘5 5’ on the telephone keypad if you still require assistance. Pushing ‘5 5’ directs the call to Police, who will assess the circumstances and decide on the most suitable response

For more information visit


Contact Policelink on 131 444 to report non-urgent property crime and non-urgent incidents (24 hours, 7 days).

Examples where you may wish to contact police when it is not an emergency:

  • Call Policelink 131 444 to report non-urgent incidents including wilful property damage, stealing offences, break and enters, stolen vehicles and lost property or to make general police non-urgent enquiries.
  • Asking a question or seeking advice.
  • Reporting something which has happened in the past.
  • Wanting to speak with a particular police member or to be connected to a police station.
  • Making a complaint.

For further information regarding the Redland City Security Camera Policy, Program or its operation, please call us on (07) 3829 8999 or email us at