Public health risks | Redland City Council
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Public health risks

What are public health risks?

Redland City Council is legally responsible for enforcing the Public Health Act 2005. Public health risks are likely to be hazardous to human health, contribute to disease in humans or transmission of an infectious condition in humans and may include:

  • wastewater and sewage
  • designated pests (e.g. rats and mosquitoes)
  • waste material accumulation (e.g. food scraps)
  • chemical (or by-product) release or dispersal from non-work places (e.g. toxic fumes and asbestos)
  • any other activity, animal or substance that is or is likely to be hazardous to human health, or could contribute to a disease or infectious condition in humans

The management of public health risks is the responsibility of several different agencies at both State and Local Government levels. The following page provides advice on:


The unsafe handling of asbestos that results in the release or dispersal of asbestos fibres is a public risk.  

Who to contact if you suspect unsafe handling of asbestos?

Government agency Location of unsafe handling of asbestos
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Business, contractor or a person at a commercial premises
Contact Council Homeowner, occupant or owner-builder

Types of asbestos and where you may find it

Asbestos can be broken into two broad categories: friable and non-friable.


Asbestos-containing materials that can be easily reduced to powder when crushed by hand when dry. Friable asbestos has a much greater risk to health as the fibres can easily become airborne if damaged.

Examples of friable asbestos-containing materials include:

  • some sprayed on fire retardants
  • soundproofing and insulation
  • the lining on some old domestic heaters, stoves and hot water systems, and pipe insulation
  • the backing of sheet vinyl and linoleum floor coverings
  • thermal insulation.

Non-friable (also known as bonded)

Asbestos-containing materials in which the asbestos is firmly bonded with other materials. These materials can still become friable asbestos if broken or damaged.

Examples of non-friable asbestos-containing materials include:

  • asbestos cement products (flat, profiled and corrugated sheeting used in walls, ceilings and roofs, moulded items such as downpipes)
  • plaster patching compounds
  • textured paint
  • vinyl floor coverings.

How to handle, remove and dispose of asbestos safely

Non-friable asbestos can be handled safely using the right procedures. If in doubt, it's recommended to engage a licensed contractor to conduct the works on your behalf to protect yourself, your family and your neighbours.

The Asbestos: A guide for minor renovation details safe work procedures that must be followed when undertaking minor works involving asbestos-containing materials. If you are carrying out certain prescribed works in a non-workplace area, you must take reasonable measures to minimise the risk of asbestos fibres being released and the associated hazards to the health of yourself and any other person.

Cleaning or cutting asbestos must not be done in non-workplace areas

Some activities make it difficult to stop the asbestos fibres being released or dispersed, and must not be done in a non-workplace area. These works include:

  • cutting asbestos materials with a power tool, such as an angle grinder, circular saw or electric sander
  • cleaning asbestos materials, such as roof sheeting, with a high-pressure water cleaner
  • using compressed air or abrasive blasting on asbestos material.

More general information, practical guidance and resources about asbestos can be found on the Queensland Government webpage.

Removal of friable asbestos

It's important to understand that a person must not remove friable asbestos-containing material located in a non-workplace area unless the person holds a class A asbestos removal licence under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.

Removal of non-friable asbestos

It's important to understand that a person must not remove a quantity of bonded ACM of more than 10m2 located in a non-workplace area unless the person holds the appropriate licence.

Disposal of asbestos

Asbestos is a regulated waste and cannot be disposed of in rubbish bins or recycling bins. Please contact Council or see Council's webpage to find out where you can dispose of asbestos.

Further resources

Find out more information about safely handling and removing asbestos:

Clandestine drug laboratories

Clandestine drug laboratories (clan labs) are places where illegal drugs have been manufactured. These are often found in domestic rental properties, commercial or industrial properties and in hotel and motel accommodation.

During the manufacture of these drugs, toxic gases and aerosols are produced. These chemicals can be absorbed by items such as flooring, walls, furnishings, fittings and personal effects (for example clothing and books). Poor chemical waste disposal may also result in soil contamination in the yard at a clan lab site.

Even after removal of all dangerous chemicals and equipment, chemical contamination can remain at the property.

Who to contact if you suspect illegal drug manufacturing?

Government agency   Location of drug laboratory
Queensland Police Service Another property or your own property (recently purchased)
Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) Rented property
Department of Housing and Public Works Public housing property
Workplace Health and Safety Non-residential property (e.g. hotel, warehouse, storage facility)
Queensland Health Public Health Unit.   Other areas (e.g. vehicle, boat, caretaker's residence)

Council's involvement:

If you suspect a clandestine laboratory, please contact the police. Council will be involved in the remediation of properties after the police have notified Council of chemical contamination from illegal drug manufacturing.

Council can provide advice on:

  • how to find a qualified person to test for potential illegal drug contamination
  • steps you can take to remediate property of chemical contamination
  • how to comply with a Public Health Order issued by Council


Failure to comply with the requirements of a Public Health Order may result in one or more of the following enforcement actions:

  • issuing of a Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN) or on-the-spot fine
  • prosecution

Green pools

An unmaintained swimming pool can be a likely breeding ground for mosquitoes increasing the risk of diseases carried by mosquitoes. Council is responsible for taking steps if backyard pools are a potential public health risk. If your swimming pool is reported as a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes (green pool), Council will send you an advisory letter on how to resolve in accordance with the Public Health Act 2005.

Council suggests regularly maintaining your pool so it does not become a public health risk by:

  • Testing and balancing all water chemicals (aim for free chlorine above 2.0 mg/L) – ask your local pool shop for help if required
  • Use water stabilisers at the correct concentrations (cyanuric acid at less than 50 mg/L) to prevent chlorine lock
  • Vacuum dead algae from your pool and remove any leaves or debris
  • Keep filters clean and pump in good repair so there's good circulation

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