Redlands Coast youth – support and activities | Redland City Council
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Redlands Coast youth – support and activities

Council recognises that young people make a significant contribution to the social, economic and cultural life of our community. Council is committed to the safe places and spaces in the city that accommodate the needs of young people and advocates for young people in the Redlands to learn, earn, and participate in the community.

Activate Redlands Coast Youth Week is an outcome of the Redlands Coast Young People’s Action Plan 2024–2027.

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About Activate Redlands Coast Youth Week

In recognition of the great work that our community and sporting organisations do, Redland City Council offers a funding support program for Activate Redlands Coast Youth Week events.

Available funding

Not-for-profit community and sporting organisations that are located in other cities, as well as our local organisations operating in the youth space, are encouraged to apply through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process for up to $2,000 of funding to deliver a free event or activity during Activate Redlands Coast Youth Week 5-13 April 2025.  

When can I apply?

Activate Redlands Coast Youth Week EOI round will open on Monday 9 December 2024 and close on Friday 17 January 2025.

Terms and Conditions

Prior to making an application, it is important to read the Activate Redlands Coast Youth Week EOI Funding Round Terms and Conditions.

How can I apply?

Applications must be completed via Council's online portal SmartyGrants.

Application forms will be available prior to Round opening. 


What will not be funded

The Activate Redlands Coast Youth Week Program supports events and activities that provide free things for young people to do, as well as provide support to build capacity for youth organisations on Redlands Coast. Activities that are considered to be outside of the scope of the program or are the responsibility of the applicant or their identified partners will be deemed ineligible.

The following activities are ineligible for funding under this program: 

  • Event/activity for fundraising purposes where proceeds will be provided to a third party
  • Event/activity of a political nature or those which incorporate political activities
  • Event/activity operated for commercial purposes
  • Day-to-day operational costs for an organisation, including staff wages, rent and insurances (unless there is evidence it is an additional expense incurred by the funded project) 
  • Event/activity which begin before funding is awarded (no funding will be awarded retrospectively)
  • Payment of debts to any entity including Council
  • Event/activity costs already supported through other levels of government
  • Identical event/activity that has been funded under any other Council programs including: operational funds; Sponsorship; the Regional Arts Development Fund; and the Mayor and Councillors Community Benefit Fund
  • Project costs incurred outside the funding period
  • Purchase of alcohol, prize money or prizes including gift cards; and
  • Donations.

How is the application assessed?

Both the applicant and the project must be eligible for funding for the application to be considered. Only information contained in an application will be assessed.

The project will be assessed and weighted on the quality of the information and how well it meets the assessment criteria identified below:

Capacity building
  • How funding for this event or activity will assist with building capacity for the youth organisation.
Value for money
  • Evidence of event/activity is open to all Redlands Coast young people; and
  • budget is comprehensive, realistic and represents value for money.
Ability to deliver
  • a project plan demonstrates capacity of the organisation to undertake all aspects of the project, including evaluations, marketing, deadlines and the acquittal process; and
  • an in-kind or monetary contribution towards the overall cost of the project is evident.

Acquittal form

To finalise your project, you must complete an acquittal form for your project within 14 days of the completion date via your SmartyGrants account.

Applicants that do not acquit their project are ineligible to apply for funding under Council's various funding programs until such time as they have successfully acquitted all previous funding.

The acquittal form requires you to provide information on the completion of the project activity. This is a report on the project activity, including capacity building, project objectives, and includes a financial statement. Ensure receipts are provided as evidence of the funding expenditure.

Further assistance

If you require assistance completing your application, please contact the Community Development or the City Sport and Venues teams by phone (07) 3829 8999 or email