Redlands Coast Young People’s Action Plan 2024-2027 | Redland City Council
Water outage update- Victoria Point

Mains water supply has been returned to all customers following the repair of a broken water main. Traffic management will remain in place while site remediation works are completed.

Redlands Coast Young People’s Action Plan 2024-2027

Three young people with hands in the air


Redlands Coast is home to approximately 24,500 young people between the ages of 12 and 24. These young people contribute to the social fabric of Redlands Coast in many ways, including volunteering, caring for family members, participating in sport and recreation clubs, and championing change for social and environmental causes.

Many young people in our city enjoy deep connection and support from their families and networks. However, some young people have increased vulnerability and require additional support from external sources, including health, housing and safety.

The Redlands Coast Young People's Action Plan 2024-2027 [PDF, 1.8MB] is a four-year action plan outlining how Council will achieve strategic goals and identify initiatives that:

  • Position Redlands Coast communities as safe and welcoming for young people
  • Build strong relationships that create connections and pathways for young people to navigate their needs
  • Create, promote and foster access, inclusion and participation opportunities for all young people
  • Acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments and positive contributions young people make to Redlands Coast

Vision: To create safe, strong, and self-reliant communities that provide our young people with access to social infrastructure and services, housing options, welcoming places, and a range of suitable sport, recreational, cultural, educational and employment opportunities.

Over the lifespan of this action plan, Council aims to harness the power of our existing supports while advocating for the needs of our young people to ensure all young people living on Redlands Coast can enjoy a prosperous transition into adulthood.

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