Terms of Use, Risk Statement & Disclaimer | Creek flood mapping | Redland City Council

Creek flood mapping

Terms of Use, Risk Statement & Disclaimer

The flood information contained in this section is based on the latest available flood modelling for a (1% AEP) flood event in the Redland City Council local government area.  The flood modelling addresses the recommendations from the 2012 Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry Final Report and supports council's ongoing efforts to provide tools for the community to manage natural event impacts.


For information during a rain event, disaster, or emergency situation, please refer to the City's emergency dashboard - Redlands Coast Disaster Dashboard:  Dashboard (redland.qld.gov.au)


A property may be affected by several sources of flooding. This information relates ONLY to regional (riverine) flooding and NOT to local runoff or stormwater flooding, which may or may not affect a property shown on the mapping. 

All levels shown on this map have been determined from the information available to Council. The information for a particular property shown on the mapping may change if more detailed information becomes available, or changes are made in the method of calculating flood levels. Changes in the condition of local creeks and waterways may further alter the effects of flooding. Council does not assume any responsibility for updating you on any changes to the information available, method of calculating flood levels, or relevant conditions that occur subsequent to the date of issue of this mapping.

Council does not guarantee that the Flood extents as shown on this mapping will never be exceeded. 

This mapping ONLY indicates where flood inundation MAY take place.  IT DOES NOT predict the velocity of flood waters.  The velocity of flood waters may affect the nature and extent of damage caused by any flooding.

The information in this mapping is provided as general information only. Council makes no statements, representations and gives no warranty of any kind (whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise) about the accuracy, quality, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose of the information referred to in the mapping.  Some information, such as information supplied by third parties, has not be assessed for its accuracy.

To the full extent that it is able to do so at law, Council expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence, contract or other tortious action) for any:

a. error or omission in the mapping or information referred to in the mapping; and

b. loss or damage or cost suffered (including consequential damage), however it was caused, in connection with access to, use or reliance by any person upon the mapping (including reliance on the accuracy or completeness of the information referred to in the mapping).  

To the extent that Council's liability for a breach of any statutory condition or warranty cannot be excluded, then to the extent permitted by law, liability is limited to, at Council's discretion, the replacement of the mapping.

This mapping provides limited information and is not a substitute for independent professional advice. Persons making any decisions (including decisions with financial or legal implications) must not use or rely upon this mapping for the purpose of determining whether any particular facts or circumstances exist or to decide whether to purchase or invest in property and should obtain their own professional advice on these matters.  For example, you should engage the services of a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) to obtain site specific information regarding the flood risk to your property and any implications for any proposed purchase, building or development.

This mapping does not provide information as to the treatment of the subject land with respect to flooding and/or coastal hazards overlays under Redland City Plan 2018.

Terms of Use

By using this mapping, you acknowledge and agree that:

  1. You have read, understand, and agree to the information in the Disclaimer set out above.

  2. Council excludes all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from using this site and any information or material available from it.

  3. This mapping has been developed for awareness purposes only and is subject to change without notice.  This mapping may help you be prepared for flooding and decide if you need further professional advice relevant to your particular circumstances.

  4. The content of the site and mapping is subject to the uncertainties of scientific and technical research.

  5. The mapping and flood information may not be accurate, current or complete.

  6. The mapping and flood information are subject to change without notice.

  7. Content may include the views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the view of Council or indicate a commitment to a particular course of action. This mapping is produced from computer models. Flooding is highly unpredictable and variable. The models are based on the best data available to Council and/or its agents at the time the models were developed, but is subject to the uncertainties of scientific and technical research. These maps are indicative only of possible flood extents, if the data and assumptions on which they are based are reproduced in a future weather event.

  8. Subsequent changes (e.g., to the data available or the model computer used) may result in changes to the information in the mapping. 

  9. The mapping does not include climate change factors.

  10. Council has no direct control over the content of any linked sites, or the changes that may occur to the content on those sites. It is the responsibility of the user to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability, and correctness of information contained in linked external web sites. 

  11. Links to external web sites do not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any material on those sites or of any third-party products or services offered by, from or through those sites. Users of links provided by this web site are responsible for being aware of which organisation is hosting the web site they visit. 

  12. The World Wide Web operates across insecure, public networks. You assume all risks associated with use of the web site, including risk of your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus, disabling codes, worms or other devices and defects which might be transmitted or activated via the website, or your access to it or the downloading of files from the web site connections transmitted to and from this site being intercepted and modified by third parties.