Customer Service Centres survey - Redland City Council
Water outage update- Victoria Point

Victoria Point shopping precinct is being supplied with water from tankers until Council can complete repairs to a broken water main and reconnect mains supply. Works will continue overnight.

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Online forms: Customer Service Centres survey

Customer Service Centres survey

Information Privacy Act 2009: Redland City Council is collecting your personal information for the purpose of your feedback.The collection of this information is authorised under the Local Government Act 2009. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or we are required by law to do so. Read about how we manage your privacy.

Redland City Council Customer Service Centres are committed to providing efficient, informative and quality service to our community and customers.

We continually strive to improve our services to meet our customer demands and expectations. It is through your valuable input and feedback that we are able to evaluate the level of service we provide.

Tell us what you think…..

When did you visit us?

Which Customer Service Centre did you visit?
Which Customer Service Centre did you visit?
Reason for visiting the Customer Service Centre
Reason for visiting the Customer Service Centre
How would you rate the courtesy and friendliness of the Customer Service Officer
How would you rate the courtesy and friendliness of the Customer Service Officer
Do you get all the information you require in one visit?
Do you get all the information you require in one visit?
How would you rate the Customer Service Officers level of knowledge?
How would you rate the Customer Service Officers level of knowledge?
How often do you visit the Customer Service Centre in Cleveland?
How often do you visit the Customer Service Centre in Cleveland?
Do you believe the current Customer Service Centres meet your needs?
Do you believe the current Customer Service Centres meet your needs?

* denotes required field