Contact us | Redland City Council
Severe weather event - Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

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Contact us

Report an issue or give feedback


We aim to respond within 5-10 business days.


(07) 3829 8999 (8.30am to 4.30pm Monday – Friday, excluding public holidays)
After hours we will respond to Council service emergencies that should not be left to the next business day. If it's not an emergency, please contact us online or call the next business day.


We will acknowledge receipt of your email immediately and provide a full response within 10 business days where possible.

In person

Cleveland (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm – excluding public holidays)
Corner Middle and Bloomfield Streets
Cleveland QLD 4163
View location on map

Capalaba (Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.30pm – excluding public holidays)
Capalaba Central Shopping Centre, Shop 2, 38/62 Moreton Bay Rd
Capalaba QLD 4157
View location on map

Victoria Point (Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.30pm – excluding public holidays)
7/15 Bunker Rd
(inside the Library Building at Victoria Point Lakeside, entrance via High Street)
Victoria Point QLD 4165
View location on map


Redland City Council, PO Box 21, Cleveland QLD 4163

Your local councillor

Please refer to contact details listed on our Mayor and councillor profiles page.

Assisted services

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

Council is a proud member of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower gives individuals the option to wear a discrete sunflower lanyard, badge or wristband on a green background to let others know they have a non-visible disability.

Council employees wearing white supporter sunflower merchandise at our customer service centres and libraries, Redland Art Gallery, Redland Performing Arts Centre, Redlands IndigiScapes Centre, Redland Animal Shelter, Redlands Coast Visitor Information Centre, and at many Council-run events, have received training to provide assistance.

View more about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

Language assistance

  • If you need an interpreter, please call the National Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 to speak to a Council officer.
  • To use this service, you will need to tell them your preferred language. This is a free service for Council-related business.

National Relay Service

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us using the National Relay Service (NRS).

Teletypewriter (TTY) users

Phone 133 677 then enter the Redland City Council number: (07) 3829 8999

Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users

Phone 1300 555 727 then ask for Redland City Council on: (07) 3829 8999

Hearing loop technology

Council provides hearing loop technology (also known as audio induction loop) at all Customer Service Centres to assist customers with reduced ranges of hearing.

See the ‘In person’ sub-heading above for location and opening hours.

Customer service standards and customer charter

We are committed to responding to you quickly and efficiently and aim to meet set customer service standards. We value your feedback about your customer service experience.

Related links