Capalaba Town Centre Revitalisation Project | Redland City Council
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Capalaba Town Centre Revitalisation Project

Capabala Revitalisation Project

Redland City Council, in partnership with subsidiary company Redland Investment Corporation (RIC), is delivering an exciting multimillion revitalisation of a 1.55 hectare site in the heart of Capalaba.

The Capalaba Revitalisation Project will transform the area behind Capalaba Central Shopping Centre into the urban heart of Capalaba.

In October 2022 Council entered into a development agreement with RIC and Shayher Group to take the next steps in delivering the transformation.

The Development Agreement makes Council’s land on the eastern side of Noeleen Street available for the revitalisation project, which received Development Approval in June 2024.

The agreement will see delivery of a $250 million project that incorporates a commercial precinct and exemplar public spaces including community assets such as a new library, customer service centre, arts centre and community hall.

The project will accommodate an employment hub, supported by an innovative public realm a diverse mix of dining, retail and entertainment uses to create a day/night economy and bring much-needed infrastructure to improve the connectivity.

Preferred development partner Shayher Group have received approval for the master plan and Stage 1 (Council Library) of this exciting project.

The Master Plan for the Capalaba Town Centre Revitalisation Project will deliver:

  • Enhancements to the entertainment and restaurant precinct, including a village green with a large screen
  • Retail and mixed use residential and commercial areas
  • An exciting new library building, customer service centre and community hall

Following development approval, Council entered into an Infrastructure Agreement (under the Planning Act) in July 2024, which ensures that in exchange for the Council land made available for the revitalisation project, preferred developer Shayher will deliver the required community works for the project and if the value of those works exceeds the value of the land, the developer will be entitled to Offsets in the form of infrastructure charges credits which can be used on further development of their adjoining shopping centre.  The community works include a new library and public relam.

In 2010 Council adopted the Capalaba Centre Master Plan that identified key areas of need at Capalaba, which holds tremendous potential as the entry into Redlands Coast.

To implement Council’s vision, RIC held an expression of interest campaign that secured Shayher Group to deliver this innovative and landmark development that will support the revitalisation of Capalaba.

Further information

Frequently asked questions

What was the process for appointing a development partner to deliver the project?
Following the expression of interest campaign, Shayher Group was appointed as the preferred development partner.

Will the project impact upon traffic flow within the area?
Traffic engineers will be consulted during the design and planning phase of the project. Traffic impacts will be considered by Council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads during the assessment phase.

Will the Capalaba Library be closing down or will it be relocated within the precinct?
The vision for the project includes the reinstatement of current civic assets that include the Capalaba Library, Customer Service Centre, Arts Centre and Hall. These assets will be relocated within the precinct.

As part of the returnable works, the selected developer will be requested to make arrangements for temporary alternate Library, Customer Service Centre and Art Centre accommodation within the Capalaba town centre precinct during the construction period to ensure there are no disruptions to services.

Who will provide the infrastructure for the Capalaba Town Centre Revitalisation Project?
All community infrastructure delivered by Shayher Group as part of the project.

What is the timeline for the project?

  • 2022 – Council entered into a development agreement with Redland Investment Corporation and Shayher Group
  • 2023 – Detailed design and development applications
  • 2024 onwards – project construction commencement