Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Redland City Council
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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 Traffic light advice no longer in use – 23 June 2023

Queensland Health is now monitoring COVID-19 as part of its broader surveillance of acute respiratory illnesses, like influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Visit Queensland Health for access to informed and timely COVID-19 resources to help you take health measures appropriate to your individual needs.

COVID-19 Traffic Light System changes to Green – 17 January 2023

On the advice for the Chief Health Officer, Queensland's COVID-19 Traffic Light System has now switched to Green.

Green (baseline) means there are low rates of community transmission and Queensland is not in a COVID-19 wave.

When the traffic light is green, it is recommended you:

If you get COVID-19:

Find out more:

COVID-19 Traffic Light System changes to Amber – 11 November 2022

On the advice for the Chief Health Officer, Queensland in entering a new wave so our COVID-19 Traffic Light System will switched from Green to Amber from Friday 11 November 2022.

Amber means there are moderate rates of community transmission and Queensland is coming off a wave or may be entering a new wave.

When the traffic light is amber, you should follow the advice for the green traffic light, and:

  • wear a mask
    • in healthcare settings
    • indoors, if you can't socially distance
    • on public transport
    • if you are older or medically at risk
    • if you're around people who are vulnerable to COVID-19
  • take a rapid test (RAT) every two days if someone in your household has COVID-19.

Find out more:

COVID-19 Traffic Light System commences – 31 October 2022

Queensland Government has replaced Public Health Directions with the COVID-19 Traffic Light System, designed to make it easier to understand the current level of risk posed by COVID-19, and take sensible protective measures.

The three levels are green, amber and red – with each colour representing different advice on how to protect yourself and others.

Find out more:

COVID-19 quarantine requirements lifted

As of 6pm AEST Thursday 28 April 2022, there are no quarantine requirements for:

  • close contacts with no COVID-19 symptoms
  • unvaccinated international arrivals.

Some requirements (such as testing and mask wearing) continue to be in place.

Check-in and vaccination restrictions eased

It is no longer a requirement to check-in or to be fully vaccinated to enter a range of venues and events across Queensland, including Redland City.

These venues include pubs, clubs, cafes and restaurants; theme parks; casinos; cinemas; weddings; showgrounds; galleries; libraries; museums and stadiums.

Vaccination and use of the Check In Qld app is no longer a condition of entry for any Council facilities, including Redland Performing Arts Centre, Redland Art Gallery and the IndigiScapes Centre and cafe.

Vaccination requirements reamin for health service employees. For more information visit 

A safe place

Redland City Council is committed to providing a safe place for its employees and visitors and requires adherence to the COVID-19 Traffic Light System at Council premises. We encourage vaccination of our employees, contractors and visitors. Currently there are no vaccination mandates in place for residents accessing Council services.

Redland City Council COVID-19 media releases 

View all media releases relating to COVID-19

COVID-19 vaccine

For more information, visit the Queensland Health website.

Questions and answers

For the latest restrictions visit the Queensland Health website.

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. 
  • Stay at home if you are unwell.
  • Practise social distancing, keeping 1.5m away from others. 
  • Cover your mouth or nose with your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
  • Use disposable tissues and dispose of them in a bin.
  • Regularly wipe down surfaces with disinfectant.
  • Avoid contact with anyone showing adverse respiratory symptoms.
  • Adhere to the Australian Government and Queensland Government self-isolation requirements.

Visit Queensland Health, the lead agency for health advice, for more information on how to stay well and prevent cross-infection.

Queensland Health advises that if you are unwell or displaying flu-like symptoms (fever, fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste and/or smell or sore throat), no matter how minor, you should be tested for COVID-19.

There are two types of test:

1. a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test. Contact your GP or visit a fever and testing clinic (some testing clinics require a GP referral).

2. a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT). RAT kits are available at some fever and testing clinics but can also be used at home and should give a result within 15-30 minutes.You must  report postive RAT results to Queensland Health.

Council issues updates relating to local impacts through this page, Facebook and media releases.

For health advice: Queensland Health also has a range of information.

The Australian Government's Department of Health website also has a comprehensive range of reliable information resources.

Redland City Council has dedicated officers to assist businesses. 

Contact the Queensland Government Small Business Hotline on 1300 654 687 to find out about support if your small business has been impacted by the international outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Local teams are ready to talk you through the support and services on offer. You can also visit the Business Queensland website for details.

From 7 February 2022, COVID-19 restrictions on businesses have been eased further by the State Government. Information on how these restrictions may impact businesses is available from the Queensland Government,  including access to the latest downloadable posters and COVID-safe online training.

The Queensland Government's COVID-19 business restrictions web page offers the latest information for businesses.

For local support resources, you can download the Quick Phone Guide for Women and Families

The Centre for Women and Co. has also provided Council with the following community information in relation to COVID-19 isolation requirements:

If you have to stay at home with a violent partner:

  • Call the police on 000 if things escalate and you are concerned for your safety. Notify the police if there are any COVID-19 concerns on site.
  • Let trusted friends and neighbours know of your situation and develop a plan and visual sign for when you may need help.
  • Your life and your children’s lives are important. If you must leave for safety reasons, then please do so. If you have been exposed or you are sick, park in a safe location and stay in the car while contacting 13HEALTH (13432584) for further advice to organise to get tested and to discuss quarantine options. You can also download the Coronavirus Australia App and access a symptom checker, advice and resources.
  • Between Monday and Friday 9am to 4pm, you can call The Centre For Women & Co. on 3050 3060 and leave a message for one of the team members to contact you back. They are all working remotely and are able to support you in relation to domestic and family violence matters.
  • Call DV Connect on 1800 811 811 to see if they can support you with other accommodation options if needed.

Visit Queensland Health's Frequently Asked Questions about Roadmap to easing restrictions

Going out, travel, recreation and gathering in Queensland

For more information on how to stay well and prevent cross-infection visit Queensland Health.