Build a wildlife garden | Gardening for wildlife | Redland City Council
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Build a wildlife garden

Gardening for wildlife in the Redlands
Photo: Megan Forbes

It’s not only humans that are facing a shortage of suitable housing. Many wildlife species are also on the hunt for real estate due to growth in the human population. Our backyards represent critical habitat for these urban wildlife populations, and we can support them by providing new homes and safe movement corridors. Here some helpful tips to get you started: 

Keep your pets secure at night.

Providing a den or crate benefits your pet by giving them a safe place to sleep, which can reduce anxiety. If you have a dog, get involved in dog training programs, such as Leave It.

Use wildlife-safe netting

If you need to protect your garden and fruit trees with a net, be sure to purchase wildlife friendly netting with mesh less than 5mm in size. This will ensure while don't get tangled and hurt. 

Use wildlife-friendly fencing

Add fencing that gives wildlifesafe movement in and out of your yard. Learn more about wildlife friendly fencing here. 

Secure your swimming pool

Unless suitable escape routes are provided, prevent access to water bodies like swimming pools and dams. Scamper ramps or a secured towel draped down the pool steps are suitable escape devices for assisting a range of animals to avoid entrapment and drowning.

Enhance wildlife habitat

To create good habitat, use plants of differing heights and foliage. A combination of trees, shrubs, vines and understorey plants all provide opportunities for wildlife to feed, shelter, roost and nest. Retaining large trees, dead or alive, will provide wildlife with a lookout, enabling them to check the garden before coming down.

Other factors that might influence your choice of plants include:

  • Soil type
  • Location and aspect of your house
  • Likely visitors to your garden
  • Your closest bushland refuge.

Working with existing native vegetation and replacing weeds can be both a productive and cost effective way to provide habitat. Visit  the IndigiScapes Native Nursery to get started. 

Abundant food

Food for wildlife comes in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. Flowering plants not only provide nectar and pollen but also attract insects that become part of the food chain. Plants producing seeds or berries provide a nutritious snack for wildlife, as well as assisting natural regeneration in your garden. Leaves provide food for many insects and mammals, from caterpillars to koalas.

Locally native plants are adapted to our weather and soil conditions and provide the food of choice for local wildlife. When choosing native plants for your garden, selecting a variety of plants with differing flowering seasons will ensure all types of food are available year-round.

Furnish your garden

Incorporating rocks  and logs into your garden adds interest as well as providing habitat for wildlife. Other benefits are:

  • Providing places for reptiles, like lizards, to bask
  • Giving wildlife opportunities to seek refuge from predators
  • Providing homes and ground covers that encourage insects, as a food source for outher wildlife.

Fallen branches, especially those with hollows, can provide additional shelter for ground dwelling animals and a place for them to find food. Leaves and small branches also make great building material for nests, just another good reason to put away your rake and relax.

Welcome water

Every living thing needs water. For wildlife, a body of water provides a much needed drink and a refreshing bath. Having water in your garden will help attract birds, frogs, dragonflies and many other species that can all be admired from the comfort of your favourite garden seat!

If you don’t have a naturally occurring body of water, you can easily make your own. Have a look around our garden for some ideas. Perhaps a bird bath or frog pond might suit your garden?

Things to consider:

  • Steps or ladder for animals that can’t swim well (e.g. skinks such as Blue Tongues) to exit.
  • Regular water changes to reduce stagnation which can lead to disease spread, algal blooms and mosquitoes.

Your Backyard Garden Program

Urban landowners who live near Council bushland reserves, or within wildlife corridors, can make their land more wildlife-friendly by joining the Your Backyard Garden Program.

The program is run by Redland City Council. It provides advice on growing native plants, reducing weeds, pets and wildlife, and water conservation.