Redlands Coast has a variety of habitats that support a rich diversity of wildlife. From the majestic Wedge-tailed Eagles soaring in the thermals above Mt Cotton to whales and dolphins frolicking in the waters of Moreton Bay.
Among these are a number of animals that are not only iconic to the Redlands, but also listed as threatened species, with some found not only across the city, but also in our urban areas.
There are over 1700 species of flora and fauna to be discovered across the Redlands and this year we are shining the spotlight on just a few.
Learn more about the other species you might find on Redlands Coast
Australian magpie
(Gymnorhina tibicen)
Bush stone-curlew
(Burhinus grallarius)
Glossy black-cockatoo
(Calyptorhynchus lathami)
Powerful owl
(Ninox strenua)
Australian white Ibis
(Threskiornis molucca)
Beach stone-curlew
(Esacus magnirostris)
Eastern curlew
(Numenius madagascariensis)
(Pandion cristatus)
Masked lapwing (Plover)
(Vanellus miles)
Sooty oystercatcher
(Haematopus fuliginosus)
The Redlands provides habitat essential to the survival of many different kinds of shorebirds
For a full list of animals in Queensland, visit the Department of Environment and Science website for their A to Z of animals.