Redland City Council incorporates the sustainable and energy-efficient use of resources in its local programs and initiatives.
These are based on five main principles:
- Our policies and plans support ecologically sustainable development and respond to climate change issues
- Sustainable building design (for example, solar panels and water tanks) is supported through education and advocacy
- Our waste management plans address current and future needs, and include plans for closed landfills and regional collaboration
- We work with the community to actively recycle and reduce waste
- Our transport planning reflects a desire to maximise economic, environmental and liveability outcomes through quality road design and public transport, pedestrian and cycling strategies.
Our commitment
We are committed to take the following actions:
- Take a leadership role in the community and actively reduce Council’s emissions and carbon footprint
- Provide community education to encourage sustainable building design and alternative energy usage
- Reduce the environmental impacts of Council’s waste collection and resource recovery operations
- Partner with the community in diverting and minimising waste
- Continue to expand the pedestrian pathway and cycleway network
- Advocate for improved access to innovative and high quality public transport services.
Plastics and our environment
We are dedicated to keeping our streets, public spaces and our waterways clean and litter-free.
Here is a list of just some of what Council is doing to help reduce plastic waste, support the circular economy and help keep plastics out of the environment.
Council facilities and events
- Support sustainable events practices at all Council run events
- Use of reusable cups at Redland Performing Arts Centre events
- A sustainability shop at IndigiScapes Centre selling plastic free and sustainable items
- IndigiCafe at IndigiScapes Centre is plastic free – selling items in compostable packaging and offers a 50c discount when you bring your own cup
- Recycle Station at IndigiScapes Centre offers recycling for hard to recycle plastic items such as blister packs
- IndigiScapes Native Nursery at IndigiScapes Centre encourages visitors to return their plant pots for reuse
- Host eco markets at IndigiScapes Centre encouraging purchase of sustainable plastic free alternatives
- Events at IndigiScapes are run with strict environmental criteria
- Supporting the rollout of the State Government Single Use Plastic Ban across Council
- Council libraries recycle old unusable DVD’s and CD’s
- Used or damaged Council wheelie bins are recycled into new bins
- All Council admin buildings have recycling bins
Sponsorship, Community Grants, Education and Compliance
- Sponsorship of the Eco Marines schools program
- Conservation grant funding available to supporting organisations or individuals for specific projects that will provide positive outcomes for the environment and wildlife on Redlands Coast
- Community education on reducing waste and recycling right including promoting events such as Plastic Free July and National Recycling Week
- Support of community clean up events including Clean Up Australia Day by providing bins for clean ups on request
- Regular sustainability-themed school holiday activities are run at IndigiScapes throughout the year
- Regularly provide education materials to the community on how to reduce plastic waste
- Local laws team respond to litter and illegal dumping reports. Reports can also be made to the Department of Environment and Science
Parks, Roads and Drains
- Increase waste collection in parks during peak periods – particularly in our foreshore parks and Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island)
- Provision of additional bins in parks with high demand to help keep waste out of the environment
- Regular litter pick-ups in parks and on roadsides (prior to mowing)
- Piloting solar compacting bins for litter reduction
- Use of recycled plastic products in outdoor equipment such as bollards in our local parks to support the circular economy
- Installation of over 892 SQIDS (Stormwater Quality Improvement Devices) in our drains which has helped to pick up over 500 cubic metres of waste
- Street sweeping in selected streets to help reduce litter in drains and waterways
See simple tips on avoiding or reducing plastic and simple things you can do to help keep Redlands Coast litter and plastic free