City Water (previously Redland Water) ensures wastewater is treated to a high standard before being discharged into the environment, and meets or exceeds the environmental licence requirements provided by the Department of Environment and Science.
Wastewater comes from domestic, commercial and industrial sources. In the home, wastewater comes from sinks, baths, showers, toilets and washing machines.
The Redlands maintains a network of more than 1200 km of wastewater pipes and seven wastewater treatment plants, located at Capalaba, Cleveland, Dunwich, Mount Cotton, Point Lookout, Thorneside and Victoria Point.
For updates on major sewer infrastructure upgrades and construction notices, visit the Your Say Redlands website.
Keeping pipes clear
The below diagram shows the internal wastewater pipes on your property that are your responsibility to maintain. For further information read the Protect your plumbing - stormwater vs wastewater fact sheet [PDF 1.0MB].

Taking care with what you flush down the toilet and sink can save time, money and inconvenience.
Personal wipes and towelettes, nappies, sanitary materials, cotton buds, razors and cleaning rags cause damage to pumps and pipes if flushed. These items should never be flushed.
Cooking oils, chemicals, food waste, newspapers, plastics, unused medicines and engine oils should never go down sinks or drains.
These items have a poor effect on the environment and can block wastewater pipes on your property, requiring repairs by a qualified plumber. Instead, wrap common household items like wipes and small amounts of cooking oil and place in the garbage.
Hazardous chemicals should be taken to a licensed hazardous waste contractor, unused medicines to a local chemist and engine oils to council's waste transfer stations.
Overflow relief gully
An overflow relief gully is a drain-like feature with a grated lid that can be found in the ground outside your home. If a wastewater blockage occurs in your home, the overflow relief gully will direct the wastewater overflow outside your home.
Check that the grate is loosely fitted and not covered by pot plants, tiling or paving.
Read more about overflow relief gullies.
Inspection covers (manholes)
Sewer manholes are positioned at regular intervals (approximately every 100 metres), or wherever there is a change in grade, direction or materials in the sewerage system. Manholes can be within your property boundary.
City Water requires easy access to manholes as they allow us to:
- inspect sewers by closed circuit television
- clean pipes
- clear blockages
- inspect infrastructure.
It is important that manholes are kept free of any obstructions. Please check that yours is not covered. When landscaping, please do not cover with dirt, concrete or paving.
Related information:
Online Wastewater Application – Connection, Alteration and Disconnection form