Building sites contribute large amounts of sediment and pollutants to the environment, particularly in the Redlands, where stormwater goes into waterways, wetlands and ultimately, Moreton Bay.
If you manage a building site, you must ensure the site has appropriate erosion and sediment controls in place.
Benefits of adopting best practice erosion and sediment controls
- Compliance with environmental legislation, particularly the Environmental Protection Act 1994
- Improved wet weather working conditions, reduced downtime and earlier building completion
- Fewer public complaints and a better public image for your business
- Reduced cost of landscaping, such as through limiting stockpile and topsoil losses
- Fewer clean-up costs
- Reduced risk of flooding
- Maintained recreational value of water bodies
- A healthier and safer environment for everyone
Responsibilities on your building site
Control measures must be installed before any excavation or site disturbance occurs. These measures must be maintained in good working order and repair throughout the construction until the complete site is effectively stabilised.
This includes keeping your site protected during any site shutdown period (e.g. weekends or the festive season). Ask yourself: ‘Have I got it covered?’
Getting information on erosion and sediment control
- Interactive mobile ESC toolkit (Healthy Land and Water) - control techniques you can use to save yourself time and money on current and future projects
- Downloadable fact sheets (Healthy Land and Water)
- Site checklist (Healthy Land and Water) – making your site compliant (see the web page for instructions on accessing a mobile version of the checklist)
- International Erosion Control Association - best practice erosion and sediment control (particularly see their IECA field guide document [PDF, 3.0MB])
Additional references to assist with compliance
- Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control (International Erosion Control Association)
- Erosion & Sediment Control: Field Guide for Builders (Catchments & Creeks)
Building sites compliance program
Council has a reactive and proactive compliance inspection program that operates throughout the year. Our standards are based on the Queensland Environmental Protection Act 1994.
If you work in the Redlands, one of our officers may visit your building site. If you would like to discuss your erosion and sediment controls with one of our officers, please call (07) 3829 8999.
We also offer a program providing advice to residential builders working on site less than 1,000m2
Note: Substantial penalties may apply for compliance breaches.
General areas of improvement needed across the city
Erosion control
Main area of concern | Suggested fixes |
Lack of prompt landscaping | Stabilise or leave controls in place at handover to property owner. |
Disturbance to the road verge |
Immediately stabilise or protect verge trenching. Protect verge or minimise parking in this area. |
Sediment control
Main area of concern | Suggested fixes |
Maintenance to controls |
Use erosion control methods Correctly install and maintain controls Complete daily inspection checklist |
Drainage control
Main area of concern | Suggested fixes |
Volume of water needing treatment |
Install and maintain temporary downpipes (Council prefers semi-rigid temporary downpipes) Divert upslope water prior to it entering disturbed areas, especially if up-slope catchment area exceed 1,500m2 |