Preparing a landscaping works plan
If your development needs a landscaping works application, you should ask a qualified landscape architect or designer to prepare it for you.
You will need to provide a detailed planting layout and:
- a hierarchy of planting
- a species schedule
- the canopy height and spread of any major tree or building footprint on adjoining properties that the proposed development may affect in any way
- existing vegetation, including canopy height and spread, species and identification of removal or retention
- levels in critical areas
- fencing and lighting details
- incorporation of a qualified arborist’s findings where adjoining tree root zones or canopies extend into the development site
- details of tree protection measures for existing trees
- specification notes for plant establishment period and maintenance
- fences and screens indicating materials, heights and construction details
- planting to proposed stormwater quality control devices.
Lodging your application
To lodge your application for assessment of landscaping works, submit:
- DA Form 1
- relevant supporting material.
Lodge applications either:
- electronically through the Online Lodgement System (our preferred method)
- in person at the Cleveland Customer Service Centre.
For more information contact Council's City Planning and Assessment Group on (07) 3829 8999.