Local Law 7 – Bathing Reserves | Redland City Council
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Local Law 7 – Bathing Reserves

The purpose of the local law and subordinate local law is to enhance the public safety and convenience of bathing reserves through orderly management and regulation of activities within these reserves. 

At the General Meeting of9 October 2019, Council resolved to amend Local Law No. 7 (Bathing Reserves) 2015 and to adopt Amending Local Law No. 5 ( Local Law No. 7 (Bathing Reserves) 2015) 2019.  Notification of change provides details of the amendments and their effective date.  

Council at the General Meeting held 19 June 2019, resolved to amend Local Law No. 7 (Bathing Reserves) 2015.   Notification of change provides details of the amendments and their effective date.  In addition, Council resolved to amend Subordinate Local Law No. 7 (Bathing Reserves) 2015.  The notification of change provides details of the amendments.

Download the local law:

Download the subordinate local law:

These local laws are also available for download from the State Government Local Laws database.

What the local law regulates

The local law provides for:

  • designation and management of safe, supervised bathing areas within bathing reserves
  • regulation of conduct and use of aquatic equipment within bathing reserves
  • assignment of responsibility to life-saving clubs for managing, patrolling and supervising bathing reserves
  • appointment and powers of authorised persons to manage conduct in bathing reserves.

Prescribed activities regulated

Bathing reserves and bathing areas

A bathing reserve is part of the seashore, adjacent land under the sea and the sea which has been placed under council’s control by the State government. Signs are required to be installed by Council to mark the boundary of bathing reserves it intends to regulate.

A bathing area is an area marked out by two patrol flags within a bathing reserve. The area must be the safest and most suitable for bathing in view of the prevailing conditions. The proposed local law provides for an outer boundary which is 400 metres seaward of the patrol flags.

Closure of a bathing reserve

An authorised person may close a bathing reserve by placing a red flag in a prominent position on the foreshore. It is an offence to use a closed bathing reserve.

Use of aquatic equipment in bathing reserves

Aquatic equipment is prohibited within bathing areas except in certain circumstances, such as the use of a rubber float or board that does not pose a risk of injury.

Behaviour in bathing reserves

The local law includes provisions relating to inappropriate behaviour in bathing reserves and associated penalties, including:

  • dangerous objects
  • dangerous and anti-social conduct
  • prohibited equipment
  • sounding of false alarms
  • obstruction of authorised officers and life-savers
  • interference with life-saving equipment.