Local Law 2 – Animal Management | Redland City Council
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Local Law 2 – Animal Management

The purpose of the local law and subordinate local law is to regulate and manage the keeping of animals by minimising the risk to community health, safety and amenity, reducing environmental harm or environmental nuisance and supporting animal owners to keep their animals in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of the community.

Council at the General Meeting on 22 May 2019, adopted changes to Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2015 Notification [PDF, 0.3MB]  and the Register of Animals In Public Places.

Council at the General Meeting on 15 December 2021, adopted changes to Subordinate Local Law No.2 (Animal Management) 2015 

Website Public Notice Subordinate Local Law No.2 (Animal Management) 2015) 2021

Download the local law:

Download the subordinate local law:

View the designated koala area maps [PDF, 6.7MB].

These local laws are also available for download from the State Government Local Laws database.

What the local law provides for

The local law:

  • regulates the keeping of animals in terms of numbers, type and location
  • prescribes minimum standards for the keeping of animals
  • ensures animals are under appropriate control in public places
  • regulates the registration and identification of cats
  • manages dangerous or aggressive animals (other than dogs, as these functions are managed separately by State legislation)
  • allows for the seizure, impounding and destruction of animals in certain circumstances
  • controls the establishment and administration of animal pounds.

Prescribed activities regulated

Requirements for holding an approval to keep animals

The subordinate local law nominates circumstances where the keeping of certain animals will require an approval from Council. These circumstances are generally consistent with the existing local laws. The approval process will be managed by Local Law 1 – Administration for prescribed activities.

Minimum animal keeping and enclosure standards

The law also provides for minimum standards for the keeping of certain animals. These standards include imposing obligations to minimise domestic animals causing impacts on amenity, neighbourhood nuisance from noise and odour, environmental harm, and public safety. The requirements also assist in ensuring that animals are kept in a manner that is conducive to their wellbeing.

Dog off-leash areas

The local law allows dog off-leash areas to be prescribed in a register. The register attached to the local law outlines all the current dog off-leash areas available in Redland City. Dogs are prohibited within bathing reserves and within ten metres of children’s playgrounds.