Items not accepted / prohibited items at Recycling and Waste Centres | Items not accepted at Recycling and Waste Centres | Redland City Council
Water Outage parts of Thornlands and Victoria Point

Council is aware of a water outage affecting parts of Thornlands and Victoria Point. Crews are onsite and work is underway. Follow Council's facebook page for updates

Items not accepted at Recycling and Waste Centres

Items not accepted / prohibited items at Recycling and Waste Centres

The following items cannot be disposed of at our Recycling and Waste Centres. 

Item Alternative locations


Nominated firearms dealer
Asbestos / suspected asbestos >10m2/175kg Asbestos Safety
Clinical/medical waste Queensland Health
Cordless electrical goods  

Commercially-generated hazardous waste  
(Excluding paint accepted at Redland Bay)

Licenced waste disposal company

Select commercial waste including:

pool filter glass / sand / animals (deceased), 

EPIRBS Maritime Safety Queensland

See surrender of explosive materials

Firearms Nominated firearms dealer
Flares Maritime Safety Queensland
Fuel tanks  
Gas / Oxygen / Acetylene tanks   Branded e.g BOC / Air Liquide tanks to be returned to the company labelled on the gas bottle. 
Helium balloon tanks  
Household batteries

Go to for drop-off locations 

Liquid waste / Grease waste traps  
LPG Vehicle Tanks  
Mobile phones Go to for drop-off locations
Pool digs / excavation soil  
Pharmaceuticals Return them to your local pharmacy
Radioactive waste

Queensland Health Radiation Unit
Ph. (07) 3328 9987

Rocks, Gravel, Pebbles Consider buy/swap/sell sites or engage a private waste disposal contractor
Stone Bench Tops (containing Silicone) Take to an EPA licenced facility
Wet concrete  

Which items are accepted?

Items accepted at Recycling and Waste Centres