Nominate someone else | Redland City Council
Water Outage parts of Thornlands and Victoria Point

Council is aware of a water outage affecting parts of Thornlands and Victoria Point. Crews are onsite and work is underway. Follow Council's facebook page for updates

Nominate someone else

This option is for vehicle offences only.

If you have been issued a penalty infringement notice for an offence committed by someone else, you can nominate that person as the responsible driver. Alternatively, the driver can self-nominate.

Applicable situations

Following are some examples of this situation:

  • A vehicle was being driven by a person other than the registered owner.
  • The offending vehicle had been sold before the offence date.
  • A business employee was responsible for the vehicle offence.

How to nominate someone else

The registered owner of the vehicle or the driver at the time of the offence must complete and submit a statutory declaration nomination form [PDF 0.2MB]

Redland city council infringement driver nomination statutory declaration example

Redland City Council infringement driver nomination statutory declaration example

The form must be:

  • completed by the registered owner of the vehicle, as detailed on the infringement notice, or the driver at the time of the offence and include:
    • a comment explaining why the person is being nominated as the responsible offender
    • the full name, address, date of birth, driver's license number and contact details of the nominated person
  • if you are completing the declaration on behalf of a corporation, you must be an executive officer of the corporation and nominate your position. The Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 (TORUM) defines an executive officer of a corporation as “a person who is concerned with, or takes part in, the corporation’s management, whether or not the person is a director, or the person’s position is given the name of executive officer”. Valid position titles may include Director or Manager. Invalid position titles include Administration Officer and Infringement Officer. The form needs to include your full name as well as the corporation name and address as it appears on the vehicle's registration. 
  • signed by a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of Declarations.

Please be advised that it is an offence under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 to intentionally provide false or misleading information in a written statement. If your nomination fails through incomplete, inaccurate, or false information provided, the infringement will revert to the registered owner or nominator.

Nomination form submission

A copy of this declaration may be provided to the nominated driver should they elect to commence court proceedings for this infringement. Should you wish for your details to be redacted, please contact us.

Please submit the nomination form to Redland City Council before the payment due date. 


Payment options, view images, appeal or nominate a driver for a parking infringement



Redland City Council
PO Box 21
Cleveland QLD 4163