Ethics and privacy: your obligations | Redland City Council
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Ethics and privacy: your obligations

Council aims to achieve the highest standards of integrity and accountability when doing business, working with the community and delivering services—in line with Local Government Act 2009, our procurement policy and our code of conduct.

Similarly, business clients, suppliers and service providers have ethical and privacy obligations when offering services to government.

Information privacy

If a contractor or its subcontractors have access to or responsibility for holding personal information, they must:

  • comply with parts 1 and 3 of chapter 2 of the Information Privacy Act 2009 as if the contractor were the ‘principal’ (in this case, Council)
  • ensure that the personal information is protected against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure, and against other misuse
  • ensure that personnel do not access, use or disclose the personal information other than in the performance of their duties
  • immediately notify Council if they become aware that a disclosure of personal information is, or may be, required or authorised by law
  • fully cooperate with Council to enable them to respond to
    • applications for access to, or amendment of, a document containing an individual’s personal information
    • privacy complaints
  • comply with any other privacy and security requirements as Council requires
  • not use the personal Information other than for the contract’s purpose unless required or authorised by law
  • not disclose the personal information without the written agreement of Council, unless required or authorised by law
  • not transfer the personal information outside Australia without Council consent.

If Council is not reasonably satisfied that the contractor has practices in place to observe and maintain the privacy and disclosure of information requirements for personal information, it may require the the contractor to make its subcontractors aware of their obligations, including having them sign a privacy undertaking in a form approved by Council.

Business ethics

Your obligations

As a supplier to the Council, you're expected to: 

  • not pressure Council officers to overlook ethical obligations
  • avoid collusion and unfair practices
  • disclose likely conflicts of interest
  • maintain confidentiality of information that must remain confidential
  • provide accurate information
  • help deter unethical practices and fraud by promptly reporting your concerns
  • respect your ethical obligations.

Benefits and gifts

In line with Council policy, as a general rule, officers must refuse benefits, gifts, hospitality, travel or accommodation.

Responsible reporting

Unethical conduct or fraud is not acceptable. If you become aware of any issues, report them to the Chief Executive Officer via:

More information

Read our Council privacy statement.

Read our Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy (PDF, 80KB).

Visit the Office of the Information Commisioner Qld Privacy Legislation in Queensland website.

Visit the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Fraud Management in Local Government website.