Other projects and plans | Redland City Council
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Other projects and plans

As well as the Redlands' Priority Development Areas, there are various exciting plans and projects being implemented in the region.

See below for links to more information about these.

Current projects and plans

We will provide more details as the project progresses.

The adoption of the Capalaba Centre Master Plan provides a planning framework to guide growth and redevelopment within the Capalaba centre over the next 20 years and beyond.

The Cleveland Centre Master Plan and Implementation Plan is a non-statutory document that provides a long-term vision to guide growth and development in the Cleveland centre over the next 20 years and beyond.

North Stradbroke Island will experience an economic structural shift with the end of sand mining on the island by 2019. Redland City Council and other levels of government, Indigenous community, residents and visitors will work together to ensure the future of the island as a vibrant sustainable community.

Whale Interpretive Facility - North Stradbroke Island Economic Transition Strategy 

All parties involved in the Queensland Government's North Stradbroke Island Economic Transition Strategy (NSI ETS) are approaching the transition in good faith.

Council has been encouraging the State Government to increase communication with residents and is pleased to see this message is being heard.

The Whale Interpretive Facility planned for Point Lookout is project 22 under the ETS. While it is to be built within Redlands Coast, Redland City Council is not leading the initiative. 

Council was requested by the State Government to consider transferring a portion of State land under Council's trusteeship back to the State Government for the Whale Interpretive Facility. The State also requested Council maintain confidentiality.

Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC) is the lead agency for project 22. Council is the lead for only one initiative, project 13 - location signage (entry statements) for the island's townships.

The NSI ETS was developed and funded by the State Government following its decision to end sandmining on the island by 2019.

Redland City Council is working in partnership with Metro South Hospital and Health Services (MSHHS) and Mater Private to deliver a Health Precinct Master Plan. The hub will incorporate the planned expansion of the private and public hospital and identify potential industry clustering opportunities around the hospitals.

We will provide more details as the project progresses.

Social infrastructure plays a critical role in developing economically, socially and environmentally sustainable communities. With the Redlands Social Infrastructure Strategy, Redland City Council hopes to secure the facilities, services and networks that will underpin the wellbeing of our communities over the next 20 years.

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