Traffic calming | Redland City Council
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Traffic calming

All local unsigned residential streets have a default speed limit of 50km/hr which motorists are expected to adhere to and drive to the conditions of the roads, however Council is aware that some motorists will still choose to break the road rules and speed.

Traffic calming is rarely the answer to traffic problems. Please be aware that traffic calming cannot:

  • Remove all through traffic or rat running
  • Eliminate hoon-like behaviour
  • Prevent traffic accidents
  • Prevent drivers from speeding
  • Solve parking problems.

The installation of traffic calming usually creates problem which you may not be aware of:

  • Loss of street parking
  • Increase in noise and fumes next to the traffic calming structures due to slowing down and then gathering speed (especially early morning with tradesman utes)
  • Increase glare at night from car lights and additional street lighting
  • Increased maintenance costs to council
  • Increased traffic volumes in neighbouring streets
  • Slower access for emergency vehicles.

To report this dangerous behaviour, you should contact your local police station, Policelink on 131 444QPS Hoon hotline 134 666 or via the Queensland Police online form which can be found at this link Reporting a Traffic Incident 

Please note it is helpful to have the following information ready to complete a series of questions, such as:

  • the incident location
  • direction of travel and address
  • along with the date/time that this occurred
  • any supporting evidence such as video or photos.

Council has no designated authority to police these issues, or any other moving violation.