Redlands Coast Transport Strategy
Having an efficient, accessible and integrated transport system is essential for the future of our city. It connects us to work, healthy lifestyles, leisure opportunities, business and our communities.
Redland City Council has developed the Redlands Coast Transport Strategy 2020 (Transport Strategy). The Transport Strategy guides the long-term vision for the transport system as Redlands Coast grows and develops over the next 20+ years.
The final Transport Strategy was formally endorsed by Council at its general meeting on 12 February 2020.
The vision of the Transport Strategy has been accompanied with objectives that will enable Council to advocate and collaborate more effectively with government and industry in relation to prioritising and delivering a more efficient, accessible and integrated transport system.
- Download the Redlands Coast Transport Strategy (high res)
- Download the Redlands Coast Transport Strategy (low res)
- Download the Redlands Coast Transport Strategy Submission Report
Redlands Coast Active Travel Reference Group
At Council's General Meeting on 2 December 2020, Council endorsed the creation of the Redlands Coast Active Travel Reference Group. This new group replaces the old Redland Bicycle Advisory Committee (RedBAC) and encapsulates all modes of active travel (such as walkers and riders). You can access the Active Travel Reference Group terms of reference here.
The purpose of the reference group is to:
- Work with Redland City Council officers to contribute their expertise and local knowledge about active travel.
- Share knowldge and understanding of key issues affecting active travel across the city.
- Advocate to all levels of government on opportunities or projects that provide an active travel benefit to Redlands Coast.
The group had its inaugural meeting on 28 July 2021, and plans to meet initially every two (2) months and then on an as needs basis. You can access the minutes of this meeting here.
Southern Moreton Bay Islands Integrated Local Transport Plan
The Southern Moreton Bay Islands Integrated Local Transport Plan (SMBI ILTP) is focused on improving transport infrastructure and services for residents of Southern Moreton Bay Islands.
- Read more about the SMBI ILTP.
Cleveland Centre Traffic and Transport Action Plan
The Cleveland Centre Traffic and Transport Action Plan (Cleveland Centre TTP) outlines a suite of short term actions that will improve the walkability, pedestrian safety and connectivity of the Cleveland Centre.
The objective of the Cleveland Centre TTP is to begin the transition of Cleveland from a car dominated centre to a high quality pedestrian orientated centre.
- Download the Cleveland Centre Traffic and Transport Action Plan