Petitions | Redland City Council
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What is a Petition?

A petition is a formal request signed by at least 10 persons that can be used to lobby a law-making body, like a local Council, on a particular matter.

Petitions allow the community to bring matters of concern to Council's attention. Council can be petitioned for any matter that comes under its jurisdiction.

An online petition (or Internet petition, or e-Petition) is a form of petition which is conducted completely online (requested, published and signed online).

Rules for Petitions

  • A petition must be received by Council seven (7) days prior to the meeting at which it is to be presented.
  • The petition cannot be debated at the meeting where it is presented.
  • The subsequent options for a petition are outlined in GOV-017-P Statutory and Non-Statutory Meetings of Council Policy (including standing orders) - refer to Item 6.11 Petitions/Presentations.
  • Is a subject within which the Local Government has the power to act.
  • Has the specific details of the request appear on each page of the petition (word limit of 250 words).
  • Is signed by ten (10) or more persons.
  • Contains the name and contact details of the Principal Petitioner.
  • Includes the postcode of all petitioners.
  • A petition to Redland City Council will be presented by the relevant divisional councillor to a General Meeting of Council.

How to undertake a Petition

Petitions can be undertaken both in person and online.

In person

  1. Download our Petition to Redland City Council form [PDF 40kB]. This form can also be obtained in person at our customer service centres.
  2. State your request of Council or action required.
  3. The petition must be signed by the principal petitioner and all supporting petitioners.
  4. Hand in your petition at our Cleveland, Capalaba or Victoria Point Customer Service Centre.or Post to Redland City Council, PO Box 21, Cleveland QLD 4163


To request, browse for or sign an online petition, please visit our Your Say Redlands Coast Petitions page.