Hosting a safe party | Redland City Council
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Hosting a safe party

Parties are an enjoyable way to celebrate with friends and family. When hosting a party, plan ahead to make sure it isn't spoilt by large crowds, excessive noise, property damage and physical violence.

Tips for hosting safe parties

To host safe parties on Redlands Coast:

  • invite only people you know who respect you and your property
  • ask guests to refrain from telling their friends or posting details online
  • make entry to the party by invitation only to discourage gatecrashers
  • make rules of the party (such as BYO, times) clear on the invitation
  • tell neighbours about your plans in advance
  • control the serving of alcohol at the party
  • provide non-alcoholic drinks for people who are driving and don't drink if you are the host
  • if you’re providing alcohol, supply light beers rather than spirits and make sure you also provide food
  • keep noise and rowdy behaviour to a minimum, particularly after hours
  • remember that Police can confiscate audio equipment and give directions to leave the party if multiple complaints are made or if a party is likely to become out of control
  • ask an adult to supervise or hire private security guards
  • clean up bottles and broken glass as soon as possible to avoid injury
  • Call Policelink (131 444) straight away if a problem occurs or you are concerned about behaviour at your party
  • register your party with the Queensland Police Service.

More information

  • Read more about the Party Safe program.
  • For more information, contact your local police station.